Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's time to put an end to Republicans'
unprecedented obstruction of 
President Obama's
executive & judicial nominees!!

Through a simple majority vote, the Senate
could change the rules and make sure that people
in America have a 
government that works.

Harry, can you hear us?

It's time to put an end to Republicans' unprecedented
of President Obama's executive and 
judicial nominees.

Through a simple majority vote,
the Senate could change the rules and make sure
that people in America
 have a government that works!

Right now,dozens of judicial
are tied up in the Senate.
Many other presidential nominations,

including ambassadors, commission members and 
department leaders are
also being denied an up or down vote.

Tell the Senate 

to change the rules of the Senate and
create a government that will truly work
 for the people.
Together we will win!

The Keystone Progress Team