Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Don’t I Understand??

Look folks, ObamaCare is here! Take it. It’s to your advantage. Really.

I sat in a doctor’s waiting room yesterday.

It didn’t take a Rocket Scientist to realize not even ONE of those elderly patients operates a computer, much less OWNS one.

Here is where Kathleen Sebelius could have made the procedure easier for some older Americans.

A backup plan needs to exist.

Remember, this President was using a BlackBerry long before taking office.

It is difficult for him to appreciate that not all citizens, especially older ones, have a clue what these “new fangled contraptions are,” or how they know so much about who they are.”

There is work to do.

Unfortunately, Republicans smell blood.

McConnell can hardly say BlackBerry without his uppers flying out of his mouth.

Someone will have to pay for the rocky introduction to Universal Health Care.

I’m afraid it will be Sebelius.