Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ayn Rand

Have you read any Ayn Rand? Before Atlas Shrugged* became the Republican bible, I read, “Anthem,” because it was on my Kindle. No need to read Atlas Shrugged to realize Rand was phuquen crazy!

If you insist, Atlas Shrugged is free. It comes in several parts, all of which can be accessed online.
*The book explores a dystopian United States where many of society's most productive citizens refuse to be exploited by increasing taxation and government regulations and go on strike.

The refusal evokes the imagery of what would happen if the mythological Atlas refused to continue to hold up the world.

They are led by John Galt. Galt describes the strike as "stopping the motor of the world" by withdrawing the minds that drive society's growth and productivity.

In their efforts, these people "of the mind" hope to demonstrate that a world in which the individual is not free to create is doomed, that civilization cannot exist where every person is a slave to society and government, and that the destruction of the profit motive leads to the collapse of society.

The protagonist, Dagny Taggart, sees society collapse around her as the government increasingly asserts control over all industry.

Rand worshiped Mark Ames, the serial killer. I told you she was what Randi Rhodes would call a “wackadoodle.”

Editor: If one were to take Ayn Rand seriously, there wouldn’t be roads, bridges, tunnels, and the rest of the “commons” necessary for a society to grow.

Ever see how the Brooklyn Bridge was built? It’s a fascinating story. The bridge is considered a work of art by many architects; it cost many American lives before it was completed. Google the Brooklyn Bridge, it’s an interesting part of our history.

Did You Know?
Mitt GAFFEney is a tax evader? His fortune is comfortably stashed in the Caymans. Nice going, Mittens.

Merck on new drugs: Sure, there will some deaths, but certainly not enough to keep us from making a shitload of money. It will be field tested by the unsuspecting morons who don’t realize we no longer have an FDA.

Guess who is considered obnoxious, even by Republican standards, the GAFFEney is clearly out for himself.

Oh, and the Gingrich isn't?

Half the senior Americans die with less than $10,000 to their names. They believe that one day they will be wealthy, so they continue to vote Republican. OMG People! Wake up and smell the vodka!