Saturday, August 18, 2012

You know folks, you've been reading my blog for a while now. and you may appreciate the one consistent message, and it is this: how fortunate we are to live in a country where its laws are fair, no matter who we are. I have no particular interest in Bradley Manning except to think he played a prank that backfired and embarrassed some military brass.

I felt strongly that the military was doing bad things when Bush was president (remember Abu Graib?). Consequently, Manning has paid dearly for his prank and, I trust, will never forget the seriousness of his behavior.

Since the Abu Graib abuse of Iraqi prisoners brought no charges to American military, doesn't it seem right to release Manning for his behavior? War is hell, no matter what team you are on.      

Subject: End warrantless spying on Americans.

Dear Friend,

Part of George W. Bush's legacy are laws that allow our government to trample our constitutional rights in the name of "national security."

First, after 9/11, there was the PATRIOT Act, which threw open the door to massive government spying. Then there was the FISA Amendment Act of 2008, which gave retroactive immunity to the telecoms that aided Bush's illegal wiretapping program.

The FISA Amendments Act also allowed government spy agencies to suck up and store vast amounts of electronic information about people on foreign soil who don't enjoy constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure afforded to American citizens.

In practice, however, loopholes in the law also allow massive amounts of warrantless spying on innocent Americans.

Progressive champion Sen. Jeff Merkley is trying to change that and rein in intelligence programs that are spying on Americans. And this week he introduced the Protect America's Privacy Act (S. 3515) to do just that.

I just signed a petition telling my senators to co-sponsor Sen. Merkley's Protect America's Privacy Act to end warrantless spying on Americans. I hope you will, too.

Please find the link containing the petition and sign it.