Sunday, December 01, 2024

GOOD news (for a change)

President Biden has pardoned his son Hunter.


The only reason Hunter was pursued and prosecuted so viciously was to attack his father for being such a capable, effective President who actually, actively served the American people and not just the rich, white, cis-hetero, christian males.

I think the republicans went after Hunter so ruthlessly because they really wanted him to commit suicide as a way to attack and hopefully break President Biden--and to take revenge on him for being the best President in living memory.

Thank god republicans fucked around with the wrong Irishmen--the Bidens are strong af and only become more determined when weaklings like the republicans attack them.

You know that republicans are shitting themselves now that President Biden has actively stepped in to give his son relief.

You know they are clutching their ugly fake pearls.

But you also know that it's not like THEY or their orange mob boss behave with any integrity.