Thursday, January 05, 2017

Money-lusting, lawless Republicans...spineless, normalizing Democrats



trump voters stayed angry for eight years,
which is why we are having this conversation.

Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!

Friends, we are so fucked.

Like I said last time, the VERY FIRST thing Republicans in the House wanted to do was to neuter the Office of Congressional Ethics--a mere fact-finding setup with zero authority even to make accusations, let alone to enforce the law.

That's right--the VERY FIRST thing the greedy bastard Republicans wanted to do was TELL THE WORLD that they PLAN to be at least as corrupt as Dickless Donald "like but not actually a smart person because he's such a gawd-awful LOSER" trump.

If that doesn't set the tone of the Republican party as the official condoners and enablers of the worst corruption our nation has ever seen, then I don't know what does.


trump LITERALLY said he was going to "drain the swamp of corruption."

Those are his exact words.

There is ZERO ambiguity in those words.


And yet PEOTUS trumPEWtin is ALREADY more corrupt than any other PEOTUS in American history has ever been...and he-they-it hasn't even been inaugurated yet!

So, trumpanzees--you all excited about all those yummylicious Goldman Sachs peeps in Dickless Donald's cabinet? You waiting with bated breath for the economic apocalypse they're going to engineer so they can steal your homes and your life savings and your kids' educations and your health care?

How's that swampy-drainy thing workin' for ya?


Have you been following the Republicans' effort to repeal Obamacare?

I won't dignify what they're calling "delay" or "replace" with any comment beyond saying that Republicans are too chicken-shit to take a stand on their principles, namely that, to them, health care is a privilege of the rich, and the rest of us can suck it by either not getting sick or dying quickly if we do. "Make America sick again" is the lily-livered, watered-down version being passed around by those insipid Democrats who just don't have the bawls to call it like we ordinary folks see it.

Greedy inhumane bastards.


Damn, son--Jimmy Carter plans to attend chump's inauguration after all the trumpanzees and ryanistas of the world CLAMORED for him to die from cancer last time he was sick.

Jimmy Carter is pure class; Republicans are pure trash.

Fucking bastards.

I think Bill and Hillary should just stay home, even though they've both agreed to attend because they're both class acts. I can't imagine how demeaning it will be for Hillary to have to go as Bill's "+1"--not even as a dignitary in her own right--to the inauguration of the stupidest, most ignorant, most corrupt, most dishonest piece of narcissistic trash ever to disgrace the White House, especially when she knows that she would have made a great president--at least as good as Obama and very likely better because she's stronger and far more qualified than he was...and, despite his many flaws, he was nonetheless a damn good president.

The situation wouldn't be nearly as vomitatious if dickless donna "tiny hands" trump and the Rethuglikkkants weren't such gloaty, sore winners.

Fucking hypocrites.


According to the Kentucky GOP, which just banned abortion, the only "choice" women have is "to conceive or not to conceive."

Hey, Kentucky GOP--your forgot that men have a choice, too: to ejaculate or not to ejaculate.

If you REALLY wanna stop abortions, you better legislate that shit, d00ds.



This Republican fuckery bothered me so much that I felt compelled to send the Kentucky Senate President who made the "choice" comment the following letter:
Greetings -

I read in the news about your 20 week abortion ban, in which you stated that a women's only real choice is to conceive or not.

I have a few questions for you.

Given that a man's only real choice is to ejaculate or not, how are you planning to legislate men's ejaculations in order to stop abortions? Are you planning to mandate regular check-ups until sperm is present in the ejaculate and then mandate vasectomies thereafter until the man can show proof of marriage? You will be the world's biggest hero to the unborn if you do! If not, do you plan to mandate that used Kleenex and other ejaculate remains be given a proper burial or cremation? If you take this approach, then you can at least make men think twice before ejaculating. (Editor's afterthought: maybe Republicans should legislate sales of Nivea, too, to make sure that men and boys know that they are being watched.)

One last question: have you ever spoken with a woman who had a late-term abortion; if not, will you? From everything I have seen, heard, and read, women do not have late-term abortions because they forgot to get first-trimester abortions. They get them because their own lives are in danger and/or the fetus is too deformed to survive either to birth or for very long after birth--and these women are typically married and very much want children. One woman who was denied such an abortion was made sterile by being forced to carry the deformed fetus to term: her water broke early; she was denied the abortion; she developed an infection that made her sterile. So, after giving birth to a baby that died within hours, she was no longer able to have children--a devastating end to her first pregnancy and her dreams of motherhood. Sadly for her, reality is reality: no magical Thing swooped down from the clouds and fixed everything, like in the movies.

Please talk to actual women who have had late-term abortions. I promise you: they are actual people with heart-breaking stories. They are so much more than promiscuous walking incubators.

Thank you.


Have you been following the inauguration clown show?

Apparently, the Rockettes--a troupe of scantily-clad women known for Stepford-wife smiles while kicking their heels well over their heads--have greater integrity and moral fiber than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...except for that one brave soprano who quit.

Religion = hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, can you really blame the Rockettes? What woman in her right mind would dare risk doing crotch-exposing high kicks in front of the avowed pussygrabber-in-thief?

Stupid fuckface.

I guess chump was too greedy to settle for only his rightful inaugural entertainers: Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and Kanye West. I'm sure Scott Baio would have gotten up on stage and...hum, what exactly is it Scott Baio does anymore except for spewing endless st00pidities that only prove how ignorant he is? Anyhoo, whatever it is that Scott Baio does, I'm sure he'd have been happy to do it for the inauguration. Then, for a real crowd-pleasing encore, Ted Nugent could have shit his pants and caterwauled about molesting children, setting the tone for the incoming administration admirably.


I was listening to PBS News Hour as I was driving home, and I heard part of the interview of Joe Biden, who came across sounding like a total DINO when discussing Obama's legacy.

Biden was completely unconcerned about the rampant repeal of women's reproductive rights around the country under orange hitler's incoming administration--didn't even merit a mention, clearly because, as a male, Ol' Joe himself isn't affected by women being treated as government property and denied their right to choose what happens to their own bodies.

Voter suppression didn't merit a mention, either--clearly because Joe is too white and too privileged to notice that others are being systematically disenfranchised by Republicans.

The stagnation or possible repeal of the minimum wage careened right past Joe's placid attention, too, because, clearly, he lives a comfortable life with all the money he needs and all of his needs abundantly cared for and met--thanks to us taxpayers.

Joe was only passingly concerned about the imminent repeal of Obamacare--again, because he has first-rate health care at taxpayer expense.

He was slightly concerned that Republicans can do some damage to the environment, and he was very concerned about the damage that unbridled Republicans and trumpism can do to foreign policy--like hair furor's threats to abandon our allies to PEWtin's onslaughts, causing ruffled feathers and alarm abroad.

I was furious at Biden's complete insensitivity to the plight of the average American--which is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets a whole lot worse.

But what made me start yelling at the radio--something I've done fewer times in my 52 years than I have fingers on one hand--was Biden's glib insistence that Donald trump is "a good man" and his firm insistence that Democrats give whomever chump nominates to SCOTUS a fair hearing.


How DARE you call someone who ENJOYS ripping off ordinary Americans, including TrumPEW and putting small businesses OUT of business by not paying his fucking bills...or who turns his private debts into public burdens through tax evasion and multiple bankruptcies...or who brags about sexual assault...or who's a known misogynist...or who mocks the disabled...or who denigrates and deprecates racial and religious minorities...or whose rhetoric earned him the enthusiastic approval of the KKK and white supremacists and white nationalists...

"a good man."


How FUCKING dare you normalize trump's law-breaking, decades of corruption, self-dealing, and outright larceny by calling him "a good man."

How fucking DARE you normalize trump's HATRED and exploitation of us "little people"--who need YOUR HELP--by calling him "a good man."


And after the travesty of governance Republicans made by ignoring Merrick Garland's nomination, how DARE you suggest rewarding--and normalizing--their bad behavior by suggesting that Democrats go about business as usual whenever chump nominates someone even worse for America than that fat greasy pig Antonin Scalia, who believed in literal devils?


For fuck's sake, Mr. Biden--just call yourself a Republican already if that's how you're going to be.

And the same goes for the rest of the fucking DINOs who are too insulated to give a fuck about the industrial-strength can of whoop-ass that trump and the Republicans are poised to unleash on our helpless haids.

Like I said last time, ONCE, JUST ONCE, I'd like to see the Democrats actually put the wellbeing of the American people FIRST.

Honoring procedure over people is no less a form of fundamentalism than the Republican lust for power at all costs--as demonstrated by Republicans' pantingly sweaty embrace of PEWtin BECAUSE he rigged the election in trump's favor.

How soon Republicans forgot that they used to PRIDE themselves in their HATE for them evil Russian commies.

St. Ronbo of the Raygun must be rolling in his red-white-and-blue machine gun-lined grave.

Like I said last time, if the Democrats aren't for us, they're against us.

And if they're for following their tight-assed little procedures at the expense of our welfare, and if they're for puckering their anuses to pantomime business as usual, then they're NOT for us.

Does anyone doubt for a minute that Republicans would have pulled every dirty trick in the book to appoint their SCOTUS pick, even if it was against the law, during that tiny little window of opportunity earlier this week?

Does anyone doubt for a minute that Republicans would have ground the country to a halt and raised howls of holy hell if a foreign head of state had interfered in our elections to rig it in favor of Hillary? Or if Democrats had rigged the election by disenfranchising white Christian Republican voters?

Does anyone doubt for a minute that Republicans would have obstructed President Hillary Clinton at all costs--especially at the expense of the American people--just to grab at power (which is not to say that they're anti-American sadists who just happen to enjoy it--because they are)?

When it comes to fighting Dickless Donald and the Republicans (if that's what you want to name your new band, you're welcome), Democrats would not have been grabbing at power for the sake of power, as Republicans do. They'd have been fighting to PROTECT US THE PEOPLE because we're NOT rich and powerful, duh, from the Republicans and their rich paymasters who only want to prey on us.

But, hey, never let it be said that the Democrats have bawls, spines, or principles when it comes to doing what's right to help those who need it most.

Friends, like I said last time, NOBODY is fighting for US in the government. WE have to fight the government OURSELVES--elected Republicans and Democrats alike are the enemy. Yes, I have signed up to volunteer with Our Revolution because it's a framework I can use to fight for the humane treatment not only of us ordinary Americans but of people everywhere and the environment, too; I am under no illusions that the Democratic party has the same agenda I do, but at least they're more humane than the Republicans, DUH, so I'll make use of them while the use-making is good.

It's up to us to call our elected officials at least once a day, show up in their offices and get up in their faces whenever we possibly can, go fill the streets with our protests, vote with our wallets and save our money for the coming catastrophes, and RESIST, RESIST, RESIST.

The Revolution will not be televised, but I'll betcha dollars to donuts it'll be all over YouTube.

And I'm going to be there, front and center--JOIN ME!

Megyn Kelly is leaving FOX News to join NBC, thus reducing the truthfulness, rationality, and quality of both networks.

I'm so glad there is no god because, if there were, he would be one royal, suck-ass prick for letting trumplethinskin and all the other god-awful shit happen that happens every day.


Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets! Like NBC, which not only is supporting trump by letting him play executive producer for his st00pit reality teevee show but which also suppressed the pussygate tape (the Post broke the story) and recently hired ex-FOX ultra-right-wing shock jock hack Megyn Kelly...barf.
And check out these great channels:
...or, if you just want something mindless and fun, try Tested

Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya?
- Dot Calm's shadow

Consider the preemptive Blogger phuqued-up phormatting disclaimer to be in effect. Grrr.
-- Dot Calm's shadow