The 30-yr battle to destroy our democracy and replace it with theocracy
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
If you've been following the blog in recent days, you've seen me call out the Republican Christo-fascists by name.
Since American media and politicians absolutely rely on the public being, as Gore Vidal called us, the United States of Amnesia, it behooves us to remind ourselves early and often how we got here and why it matters.
As I remark in the title of this post, the battle to destroy our democracy and replace it with a theocracy is not new. It began taking root in a serious way around 30 years ago, as the Reaganites were beginning to buy up our media. If you're old enough to remember, Reagan himself palled around with and pandered to not only the greedy rich but also evangelical Christian fundamentalist extremists, like James Robison. See for yourself in this video, proudly posted on Christian cable TV as a thing of beauty, if you can stomach it:
These are the sentiments my Tea Party Christian friend is nostalgic for. These remarks, from both men, illustrate the kind of theocracy that the Christo-fascists want America to be--this is the theocracy they feel downright entitled to. It is ironic that these people swear their devotion to the Constitution--they conveniently misunderstand that the Constitution stands directly opposed to the theocracy they demand. But that is how "conservative" brains work: they compartmentalize, so that conflicting ideas never meet each other (e.g., the Bible says the earth is flat, but evidence shows that the earth is round, so they somehow convince themselves that both are true), and they surround themselves in an echo chamber of FUX Noise, talk radio, and Christian television to stoke their cognitive bias on a daily basis.
This is not to say that liberals don't suffer from their own cognitive biases, but, if you look at which party falls on which side of reality and which side wants proactively to bring on Armageddon, you'll see why I think that it's far less a threat to life on earth to tax people who already have more than they'll ever spend in a lifetime--because they bribed politicians to redistribute the wealth upward--and use that money to feed, clothe, house, educate, and provide opportunity for people on the razor's edge of existence than it is to deny science and reality in favor of myths and superstitions that give one tiny set of wealthy and powerful people permission to steal from the poor and middle classes by forcing wages and benefits down and to risk humanity's future by destroying the environment for their own short-term profits.
So why do I call these people Christo-fascists?
Simple: because they are Christian, and they are fascist.
Don't believe me? Let's review the 14 signs of fascism as posted in Rense and reposted regularly here on this blog by the mighty Dot Calm herself, who saw the growing threat early on for what it was and who worked tirelessly to warn us all early and often:
Ironically, my Tea Party Christian friend thinks that it's not the Republicans but the Democrats who are fascist. Clearly, he isn't paying attention to which side of the aisle is more religiously extreme, more devoted to dismantling women's rights, more devoted to dismantling human rights, more devoted to expanding the military whether it's needed or not, more disdainful of intellectuals, more obsessed with crime and punishment, more devoted to crushing labor power and unions, more devoted to expanding corporate power and deregulation, more devoted to terrifying Americans about Muslims, and so on.
Case in point: consider just a small, recent sample of Christo-fascist assaults on women's rights. Montana Republicans want to outlaw women from wearing yoga pants and other common sports/gym attire in public. Can you say, "burkas"? Colorado Republicans defunded the state's free birth control, despite its resounding success in cutting teen pregnancies by 40% and abortions by 35%. Can you say, "chastity belts"? The entire GOP is on the warpath with their witch hunt against Planned Parenthood, culminating in Oklahoma's recent steps toward outlawing abortion outright. Can you say, "Coat hangers"? Oklahoma Republicans recently ruled that forcibly sticking your dick down a woman's throat isn't rape if she's passed out drunk. Can you say, "Blame the victim"? The GOP has worked tirelessly to strike down equal pay laws for women. Can you say, "Stuck barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen"?
And my Tea Party Christian friend swears left, right, up, down, and sideways that Christians and Republicans treat women equally to men and that Democrats are the ones discriminating against women.
Can you say, "cognitive dissonance"?
I knew you could.
Then again, like the rest of his Christo-fascist peers, he's probably just conveniently redefined fascism, and the other terms from the Rense article, just like he's conveniently redefined the Constitution to be compatible with Biblical theocracy and just like he's conveniently redefined the Bible to be literally accurate and true historically, morally, and scientifically.
Seriously, it wobbles the mind.
Whatever he and the rest of them are smoking, I do NOT want it.
And this insanity, my dear friends, is what we're up against in this election. There really are people who want to turn back the clock 150 years or more on human progress and reduce the non-white, non-straight, non-male, non-wealthy, non-Christians among us to chattel property--or execute us outright, as their Bible commands.
Now do you understand why I keep nattering on about the Christo-fascist Republicans? Now do you understand why religion is so phuquen dangerous?
Time to slog on with the blog...
Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
Americans Against the Republican Party
Americans Against the Tea Party
...And, whatever you do,
Please send him a buck o' five. I do whenever I can.
Don't forget to be good to yourselves and your loved ones. Thanks for reading, and thanks for being you.
- Dot Calm's shadow
Obama is coming
for your guns 'n' Bibles
November 8, 2016.
The rights you save
may be your own!********************************************
-- Dot Calm's shadow
From MoveOn
My name is Ann Lewis, and I'm the Chief Technology Officer at MoveOn. I'm writing because MoveOn is under attack by Donald Trump, and we need your help.
Here's the situation: Over the past few months, as Donald Trump has campaigned from city to city, MoveOn members have turned out for peaceful demonstrations against his carnival of hate.
In response, Trump attacked us in the media, calling MoveOn members "not a good group of people," while his media surrogates explicitly blamed MoveOn for violence he incited at his rallies.1,2
That's when things started getting ugly. We've been flooded with hate mail, spam, and personal threats to our staff and online security.
As a result, we're conducting a top-to-bottom security audit to secure our systems in advance of the general election. We won't back down from Trump, but we need to be prepared. Will you chip in $3?
Over the years, MoveOn has gone head to head against everyone from Dick Cheney to Sarah Palin to the Koch brothers. But what we’re seeing from Trump and his supporters is something different—and scary.
We've all seen the videos of Trump supporters punching and shoving protestors—as well as Trump's explicit statements encouraging violence. What the public doesn't see is the avalanche of threats that come in through email and social media. It's more hate mail of a more vicious nature than we received even when we took on the NRA or helped take down the Confederate Flag. It's frightening.
The Trump strategy is clear: He picks a target, demonizes them, and then tries to bully them into silence. It's what he's done to Muslims, women, immigrants, reporters, people with disabilities—and now, he's trying to do it to MoveOn.
But we won’t back down.
Click here to chip in and help stand up to Donald Trump and his threats.
MoveOn has already begun taking on Trump's hate directly by providing support for peaceful protesters outside his rallies, by exposing how Trump incites violence, and by joining with leaders of civil rights, economic justice, women's rights, labor, immigrant rights, environmental, veterans, and community organizations to launch a major initiative to stand up to Trump's hate.
But this is going to be one of the hardest-fought elections we've ever seen. It's also one of the most important: a fight for the heart and soul of America.
Will you chip in $3 to help provide the resources to ensure the security of our staff and systems we need to take on this fight and keep our staff and systems safe?
Yes, I'll chip in.
Thanks for all you do.
–Ann Lewis, MoveOn Chief Technology Officer
From Daily Kos: Politicians, STOP taking money from Big represent US!
Elected officials should represent us, the people who vote them
into office. Yet too many politicians seem to take their orders from
the fossil fuel industry.
It’s no coincidence that politicians who take large donations from oil companies and PACs are most likely to disappoint on critical issues like climate change, clean air, and clean water. Sign this petition to tell your lawmakers: You represent the people, not Big Oil. Lawmakers show their loyalty to their biggest donors. More and more we are seeing that politicians backed by huge oil companies and secretive PACs consistently let us down. They stand in the way of important climate legislation and block clean air and water proposals from ever getting a vote. Join us, and a dozen partner organizations, in calling on our lawmakers to prioritize people over oil profits. Our representatives need to stop taking oil money, stop taking oil-funded trips, and most importantly, fight for good environmental legislation when it counts. Sign this petition to tell your lawmakers: Stop taking money from oil companies! We choose our representatives to stand up for our communities and fight for our families. We pay the price when they choose to protect oil companies and huge polluters instead of us. It’s time we all took a stand against the corrupting influence of oil money in politics. Keep fighting, Irna Landrum, Daily Kos |
Make a call to Senate Republicans: Don’t block Merrick Garland | |
The right-wing extremists leading the Senate Republicans
continue their unprecedented obstruction of Merrick Garland, President
Obama’s nominee to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court. But some
Republican senators are starting to bend in the face of the massive
outcry against their party’s radical, anti-democratic power grab. Can
you help keep the pressure on with a call today?
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
From ColorOfChange: Microsoft dumped Trump, but Google doubled down on hate
Microsoft heard your voices and cut its funding of the Trump-led RNC!
too many tech companies are still planning to fund the RNC. Let’s make
sure that companies like Google follow Microsoft and dump Trump!
Take Action |
From ATTN: should people have to show ID to pee?
Hi there,
Target is all over the news this week after its decision to allow transgender shoppers to use the restroom of their choice. Although this should be a non-controversial issue, hundreds of thousands of people have signed a petition pledging to boycott the retailer as a result.
Sadly, this backlash is not grounded in fairness or rationality. As ATTN: has reported, there have been exactly zero recorded instances of trans people arrested for misconduct in public restrooms. Despite this, states and cities are passing laws requiring people to use bathrooms corresponding to their birth-assigned gender.
The truth is that trans people are much more likely to be victimized in public places. Roughly half of the trans community say that they have experienced harassment or violence in hotels, restaurants, and stores.
If you believe you shouldn't need an ID to go the bathroom, share this video:
Talk to you soon,
Suppose Caitlyn Jenner marries Miss Lindsey Graham and changes her name to Caitlin Graham. Her birth certificate will still read "Bruce Jenner"--it will be COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to her identity. So I asks ye: in this and so many other cases where people change their names, including along with their sex, WHAT THE PHUQUE GOOD is a birth certificate for identifying genitals?
-- Dot Calm's shadow
From Keystone Progress: stop Trump
"I pledge to work to stop the election of Donald Trump."
Andrew Sullivan wrote these haunting words in New York magazine.
"Trump is not just a wacky politician of the far right, or a riveting television spectacle, or a Twitter phenom and bizarre working-class hero. He is not just another candidate to be parsed and analyzed by TV pundits in the same breath as all the others. In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event. It’s long past time we started treating him as such."
We agree. That's why it is vital that Americans unite in an effort to stop his election.
And that's why we've created this simple pledge, "I pledge to work to stop the election of Donald Trump."
We're not asking for any other commitment at this time. As opportunities develop, we'll send you notifications of volunteer opportunities, online actions and rallies and other events.
Sign the pledge. Our future depends on it.
Michael Morrill
for the Keystone Progress Team
Tell the U.S. Senate: Reject the China Bilateral Investment Treaty | |
Tell the U.S. Senate:
“Reject the China Bilateral Investment Treaty. Say no to corporate trade deals that kill American jobs and give corporations veto power over domestic laws.”
Add your name:
From Daily Kos: stop Nestle from stealing California's water
We were outraged last year to hear that Nestlé had been illegally pumping water in California on federal land with an expired permit for over 25 years.
Even worse? The U.S. Forest Service is slated to give them a permit anyway. Sign the petition by Daily Kos & Courage Campaign demanding they stop this sweetheart deal. California is in a drought, but Nestlé has illegally pumped bottled water in the San Bernardino National Forest for 28 years on an expired permit. Now that the U.S. Forest Service knows about it, they are considering giving them a five-year permit to continue this water grab. Federal law requires the U.S. Forest Service to conduct an environmental review of the impacts on our public lands BEFORE issuing the permit. If we can get them to conduct a robust environmental review, the science will show that they cannot renew Nestlé's permit. Join us and our partners at the Courage Campaign to keep up the pressure so the U.S. Forest Service stops Nestlé from taking one more drop of OUR water. Sign the petition. Keep fighting, Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos |
Dear Friend,
Trump’s recent comment that women should be punished if they have abortions was horrific and misogynistic, and yet Senator Kirk has no problem supporting his candidacy. A Donald Trump presidency should be unthinkable to all of us. A Trump presidency backed by a Republican Senate is even more frightening.
Tammy Duckworth is running for Senate in Illinois to defeat Senator Kirk, the incumbent Republican candidate.
Add your name to help Tammy Duckworth defeat incumbent Republican and Trump ally, Senator Mark Kirk. It’s time to turn the Senate blue.
POLITICO has called Senator Kirk “The most endangered Republican in the country.” This race is Democrats' best chance in the nation to turn a Republican Senate seat blue in November.
It’s not surprising that Senator Kirk is in danger of losing his seat. He has a long record of offending his constituents, particularly women and communities of color, which fits neatly into the Trump mold.
Senator Kirk has called a fellow senator a “bro with no ho”. He called the Paycheck Fairness Act “the most sexist legislation you can have," and has repeatedly voted against equal pay bills. He disgracefully said that people “drive faster" through African American communities. Senator Kirk’s many Trump-like comments are unacceptable.
Working Americans need a Democratic majority in the Senate and a leader like Tammy Duckworth who will advocate for them.
We can't allow Illinois to be represented in the U.S. Senate by a Trump clone like Republican Senator Mark Kirk. Add your name if you agree.
Thank you for helping Tammy take back the Democratic Senate majority,
Team Duckworth
Democracy Now!
Using public bathrooms
and getting married
are human rights.
They are not special privileges,
like not paying taxes.
Like the rich
and the churches
Daily Kos
Dump religion...
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Why don't Christian fundamentalists
My Tea Party Christian friend believes in the Illuminati and the New World Order. I've heard his favorite end-times televangelist decry the so-called New World Order many times, but I'm not sure where my friend is getting his (mis)information on the Illuminati. Perhaps one of the weird websites Seth Andrews discusses in this podcast of The Thinking Atheist? Of course, I'm not surprised that my friend laps the crazy up like a kitten pouncing on a saucer of fresh cream. He thinks that scientists don't know as much about climate change or biology as random untrained bloggers, and he dismisses the systematic analysis of 287 documents in a reputable commuter paper run by the Daily Mail, which he claims he reads, in favor of unsubstantiated rantings punctuated by some plagiarized Internet meme. So why would I expect anything different from him?
Let science save YOUR soul!
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