Have I told you how much I hate these people? - Mike Malloy. It is every thinking person’s responsibility not to side with his or her executioners. - Albert Camus. Popular democracy anywhere threatens fascism everywhere. - The Scallion. A fascist junta of neocons using George W. Bush as its shill has taken over America by bloodless coup. What will it take for us to stage a revolution and take our country back? - Dot Calm. Drive a hybrid. Leave a lighter footprint on the planet. - Dot Calm.
Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
Don't forget to hug and kiss your loved ones today, and please be good to yourselves because I'd give all of you a chocolate-frosted, chocolate-filled, chocolate Pop Tart right now if I could...toasted all perfectly...flaky and slightly browned crust on the outside and molten warm fudgy gooey goodness on the inside. Yum!
The petition to President Obama reads: "The unprecedented merger of ChemChina and Syngenta will put
much of American and global food production in the hands of a single
major multinational corporation. Block this proposed merger and protect
our food system."
Tell members of the Internet Association: “Publicly disavow the Internet Association’s endorsement of the
Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Stand up for the rights of
your users and a free internet.”
In June of 2016, Blue
Crest Energy of Texas will start hydro fracking off the coast of Anchor
Point, Alaska. There are enormous risks to hydro fracking in any
sensitive environment but in the Cook Inlet and on the Kenai Peninsula,
which is a seismic zone and which depends on a healthy fisheries
environment, fracking is very risky. The risks to the tourism industry,
fishing industry and home owners in general on the Peninsula are very
serious. In Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas there have been
documented instances of water pollution, air pollution, increased health
consequences to humans and animals and increased earthquake activity in
areas that were not seismic prior to fracking. For these reasons we are
asking that the State of Alaska put a moratorium of three years on
hydro fracking on the Kenai Peninsula and in the Cook Inlet. We are
asking for a public debate and publicly vetted research on the potential
consequences of fracking in the Cook Inlet and on the Kenai Peninsula.
Petition to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew: "Exercise your full authority to investigate whether any U.S. or
U.S.-linked company or person involved with Mossack Fonseca may have
facilitated money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illegal
activity, including with any U.S.-designated persons."
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) have introduced legislation
to prevent the U.S. from continuing to support Saudi-led military
campaigns in places like Yemen where Saudi Arabia’s year-long campaign
has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis and a security vacuum that has empowered our terrorist enemies
al Qaeda and ISIS. The Murphy-Paul bipartisan legislation will require
the President to formally certify that the government of Saudi Arabia is
demonstrating an ongoing effort to target terrorist groups, minimize harm to civilians, and facilitate humanitarian assistance before Congress can consider the sale or transfer of air-to-ground munitions to Saudi Arabia.
Urge Sen. Mark Warner to co-sponsor the Murphy-Paul bill by calling their office now at (202) 224-2023. When you reach a staffer, you can say something like:
"The civil war we’ve supplied in Yemen is prolonging human
suffering in Yemen and aiding groups that are intent on attacking us. I
urge you to support the Murphy-Paul bill to place new conditions on U.S.
military aid to Saudi Arabia."
The petition to President Obama reads: "The unprecedented merger of ChemChina and Syngenta will put
much of American and global food production in the hands of a single
major multinational corporation. Block this proposed merger and protect
our food system."
This is absurd: The Missouri state legislature is demanding the
confidential patient information of every woman who has had an abortion
in their state for the past six years. They want it so badly, they're
threatening to hold a Planned Parenthood official in contempt or even
send her to JAIL for not complying.1
Imagine what this turnover of documents would mean: The private medical decisions of millions of women would be made public without their consent.
It's up to each and every woman if, when and how she wants to discuss
her abortion—but the Missouri legislature would happily take away that
autonomy as part of a baseless witch hunt.
At the center of this story is Mary Kogut, the CEO of Planned
Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, who Missouri
officials have subpoenaed for documents. And since Mary's clinic is the
last one left in the entire *state* of Missouri, that means turning over
six years' worth of patient information that includes women from across
the state.2
She's refusing to comply, but now the legislature wants her to show
up at the statehouse on Monday, April 25 to explain why she shouldn't be
thrown in jail.
NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri will take your response to the statehouse on Monday to show Mary Kogut we stand with her and all women as she faces off against these ridiculous anti-choice attacks.
Women who access abortion care shouldn't ever have to keep their
identities secret for fear of violence or retaliation for their personal
medical decisions. But we live in a climate where anti-choice violence is all too common—against clinics, doctors, and patients.
And it's worth noting that anti-choice legislators who trump up false,
inflammatory rhetoric about abortion—like the Missouri state
legislators—contribute to this environment.
That's why it's vastly irresponsible to subpoena that information as
part of an unnecessary, baseless investigation of Planned Parenthood.
Twelve states have investigated the nation's most trusted provider of
women's health care so far and found nothing. What more does Missouri
Thank you for sharing your voice with us, and for everything you do for reproductive freedom.
Ilyse Hogue
President, NARAL Pro-Choice America
Republicans push to keep transgender people from changing restrooms
--MPR News, 3/23
Progress isn’t always a straight line. North Carolina and Mississippi just reminded us of that.
Republican leaders of those states just signed two measures that,
effectively, enshrine discrimination against LGBT people into state law.
Make no mistake, attempts to pass blatantly discriminatory measures are
not confined to North Carolina or Mississippi. In fact, Minnesota
Republicans are pushing their own version of North Carolina’s so-called
“bathroom bill.” This wave of anti-LGBT legislation is rising across the
country, and it’s time for all of us to stand up and speak out against
state-sanctioned discrimination.
I’ve been fighting for protections for LGBT students for a
long time. That was and still is an important area of concern -- but
these broad new laws in North Carolina and Mississippi can’t be ignored.
These are sweeping new laws. In North Carolina, the new law forbids
cities and towns from enacting their own anti-discrimination policies.
In Mississippi, the new law sanctions various types of discrimination
against LGBT people.
On Tuesday,
Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton each scored
decisive victories in New York, moving both candidates closer to
becoming their respective ... Read More →
voting in the New York primary was marked by chaos, particularly in
Brooklyn, as tens of thousands of voters found their names had been
removed from the ... Read More →
On Sunday,
Brazil's lower house of Congress voted 367 to 137 to start impeachment
proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff. Early next month, Brazil's
Senate will vote ... Read More →
head to the polls today in New York for both the Democratic and
Republican primary in one of the most closely watched races of the
election. But millions of New ... Read More →
The Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in what's being called the most significant immigration case in decades. The case pits the Obama administration against ... Read More →
Journalist and immigrant rights activist Jose Antonio Vargas was also in the Supreme Court during Monday's oral arguments in the case, United States v. Texas. The ... Read More →
week, Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe proposed reopening a U.S. military
base in Puerto Rico as Congress considers legislation to address Puerto
Rico's debt crisis. ... Read More →
North Carolina and Mississippi have passed sweeping anti-LGBT laws,
with similar measures under consideration elsewhere, we look at a
landmark law Utah passed last year ... Read More →
On Monday,
the 100th Pulitzer Prizes were announced, and Puerto Rican composer,
director and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda won the Pulitzer for best drama
for the Broadway ... Read More →
Utah State Senator Jim Dabakis is part of a group of people seeking to buy The Salt Lake Tribune in order to prevent the Mormon Church from taking control of the major ... Read More →
demand for African and Asian tree-based superfoods grows, researchers
and entrepreneurs eye ways to maximize benefits for ecosystem health. READ MORE»
workplace actions highlight two different strategies for worker gains,
and the central challenges that they both bring to the labor movement. READ MORE»
at the point when we’re supposed to act, but signing another online
petition, changing to a more efficient lightbulb and joining a march
doesn’t feel like enough. READ MORE»
The bullet reportedly struck just inches from the 15-year-old girl’s neck. READ MORE»
According to the Bible, women are the property of men. They belong to their fathers before they are married, and they belong to their husbands after they are married. Christians want to use their religion to make life choices for all women... meaning that Christians demand ownership of all women, married or Christian or not.
Movie time!
I think Philhellenes is brilliant. And I think he's right: the stars are on our side. Christians and Muslims worship a tiny, petty, pissy God. When you remember that Jesus was a false prophet...who's supposed to have been omniscient because He and God "are one" but who clearly claimed not to know and who failed to foretell His own return...and when you remember that He promised to return before all within earshot died but [crickets]...well, then, I can't see any reason to be a-skeered of Him or His followers or any of their idle threats. Can you? Ooh-ooh, Mr. Kotter...why are you trashing Christianity but not Islam, ooh-ooh? It's quite alright, class--I'm perfectly capable of trashing Islam, too: any religion that enables or encourages its followers to abuse or slaughter innocents is WRONG. Just like fundamentalist Christianity enables and encourages its male followers to abuse their wives and children, so does Islam. Remember the old adage? Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely...and Christianity and Islam "grant" men ownership of and thus infinite power over women, whom both religions are taught to hate as the reason we're not all still lollygagging around the Garden of Eden (so, if Adam wasn't fooled, then why exactly did he eat the forbidden fruit? What a dork!). And don't be too swift to conclude that only Islam enjoys killing the innocent: Christianity started a few hundred years before Islam and, in recent centuries, seemed to have shaken that bloodlust out of its bloodline, but that may only be a temporary lull if today's American fundamentalists get their way. They speak as if they miss slavery and stonings so much that they intend to dismantle the Constitution and replace it with the Bible so they they'll finally have an excuse to enslave Blacks again and to stone women and LGBTQ to death again, just like in the bad old Iron Age days. Sickos. Then again, maybe they're like my Tea Party Christian friend, who says an awful lot that he doesn't really mean--like when he claims to believe the Bible literally but clearly doesn't. Hopefully, he's not unusual in that respect among fundamentalist Christians.
Evidence for the Big Bang
Sorry, guys...shot my load of vids last time, so that's all for today. I'll just leave you with one last star banner:
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