Friday, December 04, 2015

AlterNet Summaries

Janet Allon, AlterNet
They're even in denial about being in climate change denial. READ MORE»

Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
Cruz is so widely reviled that he might just unite both parties in hatred of him. READ MORE»

Robert Reich,
Ryan clings to dumb ideas that are also cropping up among Republican presidential candidates. READ MORE»

By Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon
The host of "Real Time" tweeted his take on San Bernardino massacre and how seemingly "normal" people can do something so awful. READ MORE»

By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
The billionaire mogul once again leads the GOP field by huge margins. READ MORE»

By Joan McCarter, Daily Kos
Does the GOP exist just be obnoxious? READ MORE»

By David Edwards, Raw Story
Aaron Heslehurst advised Americans that they'll have to dismantle the organization. READ MORE»

By Kate Iselin, The Guardian
Being in an open relationship flies in the face of everything we are brought up to believe about ‘loose’ women being undesirables. READ MORE»