Monday, August 11, 2014

Jon Stewart: 'Congress is the Sharknado 2 of Government'

"Of course it sucked. It was supposed to suck."
August 1, 2014
Jon Stewart does not want Congress to feel too bad about itself. "When you guys suck, it's not a failure. It's just you living up to our incredibly low expectations of you," he said on last night's "Daily Show."

The late night comedian was reflecting on the current do-nothing Congress as it heads out for its month long August recess. Although, wait a minute. It's not as if the legislative body did nothing. The Republicans in Congress are, of course, suing the president. This was their priority. Nothing doing about the thousands of unaccompanied children with nowhere to sleep, except under a bridge, which is probably crumbling because Congress won't fund any infrastructure or the highways.

"You have to pass all of the laws on your plate—all of them—before you get to have dessert," Stewart chastised, "which in this case is suing the president."

With its new nickname, the "'Sharknado 2' of government," sucking because it's supposed to, Congress now enjoys a lower approval rating than head lice.

Although, as Stewart points out, it could sink lower. There's still pubic lice.
