Tuesday, June 03, 2014


It is painful to find the need to remind every American of just how far our country, and indeed our very democracy has devolved.
    We must remain vigilant every election season that our vote be counted. We owe that to those who fought for this precious right.
     In this computer age be aware someone, somewhere is plotting to steal our vote. We've been warned so many times in so many ways.
    If we think our country worth the fight, we must vote and we must understand for whom we are voting.Games are being played in the hope that we, the voter, won't be sharp enough to realize when our vote has been stolen.
    Remain alert! Vote! Our Democracy is at stake!  

-- Dot Calm

Restricting the Vote
The concerted national effort to restrict Americans' voting rights in 2012 was met with an equally dramatic pushback by courts, the press, and engaged citizens.

By Election Day, the worst laws had been blocked, blunted, postponed, or repealed.

The Center was instrumental in leading this fight.

Representing civil rights groups, Center attorneys helped win court rulings to block harsh voter ID laws in South Carolina and Texas that could have made it harder for hundreds of thousands to cast ballots.

The Center’s suit on behalf of the League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote blocked Florida’s new law, which had forced nonpartisan groups to end voter registration in the Sunshine State.

Thousands of voters were registered after the federal court ruled.

The Center led an extensive public opinion research project on attitudes toward voting.

Over 300 organizations used this cutting edge research to help win victories in Colorado, Minnesota, and elsewhere.

Overall in 2012, restrictive voting laws in 14 states were blocked, diluted, repealed, or postponed, which helped protect millions of votes.

In 2013 and beyond, the Brennan Center will continue to fight restrictive voting laws to safeguard our fundamental right to vote.

Brennan Center For Justice
At New York University