Monday, June 09, 2014

Something Is Seriously Wrong on the East Coast—and It's Killing All the Baby Puffins

The new poster child for climate change had his coming-out party in June 2012, when Petey the puffin chick first went live into thousands of homes.

The Puffin Cam offered new opportunities for research and outreach. But Kress soon noticed that something was wrong.

 cue stream of consciousness from dot calm...

i never knew there was really
such a thing as a puffin...

when i was a kid i learned a song...

oh, there once was a puffin in the shape of a muffin
and he lived on an island in the bright blue sea
he ate little fishes that were most delicious
and he had them for supper and he had them for tea
then along came the fishes and they said if you wishes
you can have us for playmates instead of for tea
so they all played together in all sorts of weather
and the puffin eats pancakes like you and like me!


oh, there once...

obviously, i don’t have enough to do...
the basket weaving just isn’t cutting it...
