Friday, June 27, 2014

Dot Calm--

The Washington Post is right when they call Speaker Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama nothing more than an “impeachment dress rehearsal.”

Republicans aren’t even bothering to hide it!  Check out this section of an email RNC Chairman Reince Priebus just sent to right-wing donors across the country:
From: Reince Priebus, RNC Chairman
Sent: Friday, June 27th, 2014 9:51 AM
Subject: End of an Error:
It’s time to step up and put an “end of an error” to this imperial presidency.

We must politically immobilize President Obama(...) making the last two years of his Presidency irrelevant.

And the wheels are already in motion: Speaker Boehner just announced that House Republicans are going to sue President Obama for his unconstitutional executive overreach.
The RNC's email never mentions even ONE specific policy Republicans hope to stop or action they’re hoping to reverse with this lawsuit. The GOP's only stated goal is to "end" the Obama Presidency and "politically immobilize President Obama."

These wing-nuts, especially Rancid PussPuss, really need to find something more useful to do with their time!