Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guest writer's opinion...

Restore the pre-President Clinton tax rates for the rich and the pre-President Clinton Wall Street regulations.

Make the rich and the corporations pay their fair share of taxes and do business without injuring, poisoning, maiming, and killing average Americans and the environment.

Stop giving the country away to the 0.7%!

If you get your priorities straight, then you will not have to resort to telling the poor that they are only allowed to eat three weeks out of every month!

Honestly--you people should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!

STOP giving yourselves salaries, raises, and benefits out of our taxes and live for a month like the people you're kicking around like so many political footballs!!


You know how to give yourselves exorbitant salaries, raises, and benefits.

You live in the lap of luxury with drivers, chefs, and servants of all kinds.

Why not give the people who can't afford to eat wholesome food every day or heat their homes or take care of their precious children a teensy weensy little raise?

I guarantee: they won't hoard their wealth like you do.

No, they'll spend it on life's necessities and put it right back into the economy.

Not only will this actually help your rich cronies get even richer, but it will ease the tax burden on the rest of us because you will be helping people make ends meet without as many dips into the social safety net (and thank God we still have the social safety nets we do!).

It's cold and nasty out here this winter ... remember those who are less fortunate but just as hard-working as you (harder-working, I'd bet) ... and cut us a break--RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE NOW!

                                                               The Scallion