Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear haters:

I am openly questioning your patriotism.

You hate gays, President Obama, black people, poor people...all of us...women, atheists and agnostics, Latinos, Muslims, liberals...have I missed anyone?

Have you noticed?

You hate anyone who isn't exactly like you.

Your hatred dwarfs your love of country.

You hate gay soldiers more than you want America to win its wars.

You want America to have wars...never ending wars.

And the war profiteering it generates.

You love that kind of spending.

You love spending on faith-based initiatives and abstinence-based sex education.

You love spending on subsidies for profitable oil corporations.

You spend BIG when you have the White House, but a Democrat causes you to cheer when America loses its chance to host the Olympics, lest the black President look good.

But, oh you love your country.

In fact, you say you want it back!

Listen here, Skippy, it isn't your country!

You don't own it...It is our country, and America is NOT the religious extremist Foxbots who hate science, elitist professors and having a vibrant and meaningful sex life with someone we love!

If Rick Santorum doesn't approve of it, fine.

Fortunately, he isn't running for America's fucking high school dance chaperone, so he should probably shut the hell up about sex!

But he can't; he has nothing else to run on.

Republicans can NOT win on the issues.

They've got NOTHING.

All they know is divide and conquer class war, pitting ignorant racist and bigoted people against the rest of us in a meaningless battle of wedge issues and failed George W. Bush’s agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation, privatization and war profiteering.

They blame black people, gays, the government, anybody and everybody else for their own failings.

The party of personal responsibility?


But they love multi-national corporations, just ask a gay-hating and racist religious extremist if they think Corporations are people and they will gladly agree.

But ask if gays are people and they aren't sure.

Dear haters:

You are the cruel, heartless, misinformed assholes who would sell America out to Haliburton in a heartbeat.

You would rather pay ZERO taxes than you would see a newly born baby get access to quality health care.

You cheer when we discuss denying health care to young people with preventable diseases.

You boo when we discuss the First Lady’s plan to cut back on childhood obesity.

“When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,” warned Sinclair Lewis.

If Fox News told you to dress that way, you would.


You are blind, ignorant and closed minded dunces.

You drove this country into a civil war years ago because you are bound to the notion that some men are more equal than others.

In short, the reason I proudly wear my union army hat is because of seditious sell outs like you who constantly fuck over working class Americans so a foreign entrepreneur like Rupert Murdoch can get a bigger tax break.

If corporations are people, they are neither American patriots nor capable of love.

Just like you.

So stop wearing your hate with pride.

Stop celebrating your anti-science, anti-math ignorance.

Stop using code words to mask your bigotry like "family values," especially when you hate my family and when you stand on the same stage as a guy who has had three marriages or if you share a seat in the Senate with a guy who cheated on his wife with hookers while wearing diapers.

You should be ashamed.

I know that you are just doing this to motivate your misinformed hate cult base because if they actually knew that your ideas will make them poorer than they are now, they would never vote for you.

You are doing your best to impoverish your countrymen so rich people can get bigger tax breaks and you can keep on delivering corporate welfare to the special interests who have bribed you.

I am disgusted by the way you gleefully parade your hatred with aplomb.

I don't think you love America.

At least, not as much as you hate everyone in America who isn't exactly like you.

You should think about that.

Get help.

For the record, I do not hate you.

I am embarrassed by you and nauseated by your cruel and thoughtless behavior and your all consuming greed.

But I do not hate you.

I forgive you.

I hope you can change someday, but I don't hate you.

You have enough hate in you for the rest of us as it is.
From Daily Kos