Monday, February 03, 2014

Okay folks...please bear with me as I share with you some of my favorite things.

Republicans...this is mostly for your consideration...

According to the majority, you’ve made it perfectly clear that every sperm is important.

And, it was confirmed, once again, that the dead mother’s baby in utero* needed to be spared at all cost.

*In utero is a Latin term literally meaning "in the womb". In biology, the phrase describes the state of an embryo or fetus.

Had the child survived, what was the rest of your principled sperm game plan?

May I?

The female child thrives and is named Mary.

But, all is not well. Mary’s mother can’t afford the nutrition her baby requires.

Mary cries out all night sucking on her thumb looking for nourishment.

But, it doesn’t come.

And baby Mary eventually cries herself to sleep.

Enter SNAP.

When Mary’s mother learns of the SNAP program she quickly secures the all-important nourishment for baby Mary and starts her on a life-changing regimen.

Mary becomes an extraordinary teacher and, through her teachings graduates many notable Americans who contribute to the fabric of America.


Mary doesn’t thrive.

And that’s the ugly ending.