Monday, October 07, 2013

North Carolina:
GOP is Stealing Elections Through

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) has an agenda.

It has been costly but its goal is simple: Get more congressional seats without actually winning them.
This wildly undemocratic goal has been successfully pursued in seven states:

Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, and Ohio.

As stated on the homepage for the RSLC, redistricting is an important process after a census, should the distribution of the population within a state change dramatically over the ten-year period between surveys.

In this way it is ensured that people are well represented and the political playing field is leveled.

Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're a Republican House member elected in 2012) districts can be so creatively redrawn that one party is placed on the losing side of every election.

This is what the RSLC had in mind with its two-step REDMAP plan.

Step 1: Take over state legislatures before the decennial census.

Step 2: Revamp state and Congressional districts to maintain the newly gained numerical advantage.