Monday, July 29, 2013

Ever notice how the Conservative Party can do just about anything and  not miss a political beat?

There goes another long-suffering wife keeping a stiff upper lip and holding a hot tamale as she looks adoringly at the latest scum-of-the-day blubber tearfully as he pours out his guts.

Whoa!...nothing to see here...move along...

Yep...same play book. Screwing is bipartisan.

One dude actually takes off to Argentina to be with his Argentinian joke...

Remember his wife standing by her man as the little prick does his mea culpa?

He ends up leaving the ex and running off to Argentina to eat tamales for the rest of his life.

Do the Republicans get embarrassed? Nah!

Now we’re looking at the Weinerman.

Must say, those liberals are getting as creative as their Republican counterparts.

This phuque actually thinks his weiner is so special, the rest of the world needs to see it.

Is he embarrassed?


Just look at this thing...can you blame him for wanting to share?

His only regret is the fact that there are no 3-D copiers, yet.

Here that Staples?

This could be a growth business!

While we’re talking growth businesses, how about this one?

School Uniforms
Assorted plaids in attractive BULLET-PROOF,
no-iron colors.