Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Let Detroit be a Lesson to anyone advocating "alternatives" to Social Security!

Republicans and "Centrist" Democrats have long advocated for "alternatives" to Social Security.

They insist that the "private" Market offers better returns on the investment.

The Firefighters and Police in Detroit had one of these "secure alternatives" with the City of Detroit, and were exempted from Paying Into Social Security.

Now,  these hard working individuals who Did-Everything-RIGHT, and courageously put their Life on the Line over 30- and 40-year careers are likely to lose all Retirement funds through the bankruptcy of Detroit.

That is why Social Security, Publicly Owned, Government Administered Pension is the very best way to provide for ALL of us!

Let Detroit serve as a lesson and a warning!

We need to preserve and expand Social Security, not defund and privatize it!

Everybody IN!
Everybody PAYS!

Say NO to ANY and ALL "Private" alternatives.

"Private" pension funds CAN and DO "disappear" overnight, and nobody goes to jail.

The forces are gathering to raid the Social Security Fund, now running a multi-TRILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS.

It is about all the Working Class has left of FDR's
New Deal.

Let Detroit serve as a Lesson!

The only acceptable change to Social Security is Raising-the-Cap.