Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Democracy was once considered a 
dangerous new idea and a threat to 
ruling elites.

It brought to mind fearful images of oppressed masses demanding social and political equality.

Fast forward to today and democracy is a key method by which the inequality and injustices of capitalism are legitimated and popular consent engineered.

Despite the fact that capitalism can tolerate neither equal access to decision-making or truly open dissent, and in fact prioritizes profit-making above all social or environmental concerns, we are nonetheless persuaded to believe that capitalism is, or at least can be, democratic.

A new book, published by Corporate Watch, uncovers how this contradiction is sustained, and the anti-democratic rule of capitalism protected.

Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent is comprised of twenty essays--written by academics and activists and edited by Corporate Watch--collectively argues that in today's 'democracy' elite interests are served by limitations placed on popular participation in decision-making by manipulation of public opinion through propaganda, and attempts to co-opt, marginalize and/or repress oppositional politics.

The book reveals how despite its inherently anti-democratic nature, global capitalism is dependent on manipulation of the concept of democracy to survive.

It exposes a potential weakness at the heart of capitalism, which activists and campaigners can usefully target in their struggle against oppression and environmental destruction.