Monday, May 27, 2013

YAY! Apple Computer! Way to go!
You didn’t pay a bloody dime in taxes
 to this government.
Wow! You must have some awesome accountants!
Who do you suppose pays for the nice roads you and
your personnel get to use?
Or the clean water you get to drink?
Or the toilets that flush the crap away?
Oh, I forget. That would be me.
I remember drinking the water in Mexico.
It had stuff floating in it.
So, don’t drink it; it’ll make your stomach feel itchy.
It must be awesome to find all the ”stock” you need
that can read and write, and, as Jethro (Beverly Hillbillies)
would say, cipher.
Wasn’t it Leona Helmsley (New York City hotel fortune)
who said paying taxes is for the little people?
Damn, I’m barely 5 feet tall.
Welcome to the world of the little people.
Didn’t she do some jail time for her indiscretion?
Tax avoidance, wasn’t it?
Leona! Leona! You can’t be so blatant.
You can’t brag about how only the little people pay taxes.
You don’t want to rub our noses in it, do you?
       We get cranky.                

Don’t burn the steaks...for those of you in 
Leona’s tax bracket.
For the rest of us...Hope the hot dogs are tasty!