Saturday, April 13, 2013

Are We About To Be "Fracked"?

“What the media should know about Keystone XL.”

What YOU need to know is what the pipeline and natural gas have in common.

If you swap the words “Keystone XL” with “Natural Gas,” you have the same  basic talking points of the natural gas industry and their front groups.

The XL Pipeline and fracking for natural gas are being promoted by both the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API). 

IPAA and API are trade organizations for the Oil & Gas industry.

Although the XL Pipeline deals with transport of tar sand oil, and fracking deals with natural gas, these are not necessarily two separate areas. 

Both have a common convergence with the messaging, both have common interests involved, and both have common special interest money influencing the debates.

It’s the same fight.