Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Wedding

So here I am 50 years ago getting ready for my wedding day. Morgan wasn't looking for a big wedding. Neither was I. But, the truth was he was from a rather large family. So was I. And, we must remember my older sister and my older brother decided on eloping.

We're a very shy lot. My Mom and Dad were getting frustrated in not being able to show off their large Italian family...we were nine strong...with my baby sister, Lisa (9 mos.) staying home with a baby sitter, and my little brother, 2 yrs. old Joey, the ring bearer.

Funny looking back today. Joey simply went to sleep under a table when he got sleepy. He's still like that. Lisa is still cranky. Our own two daughters came along pretty quickly, but not without drama. Seems Mom had child-rearing down to a science. Not so for my older sister or me. Marilyn did manage to get 3 lovely children. And, as you know, Morgan and I are proud of Beth, Licensed Atty., who works for the Justice Department as an Agent, and her lovely little sister, Amy, who is a PhD Electrical Engineer. The girls are sweet and unassuming, although both mean business.

Morgan and I are happily retired in beautiful River Bend, where our biggest worry is weather. At the moment Hurricane Irene took our 23 ft. cabin cruiser. It broke loose of its moorings on the lift, headed down stream with the wind, crashed and sank. Next chapter when it happens.