Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Days Are Here Again!

This looks great! Just think: Gas, less than $2.00 a gallon...All we have to do is vote for Michelle Bachmann. WOW! She’s got my vote! A gallon of gas in my Prius will last forever! I’ll be rollin’ in dough. Happy days are here again!

What? How is she gonna get gasoline to less than $2.00/gallon? Hmmm...I didn’t ask. I’m just gonna trust her. After all, she’s the one who was singing “Happy Birthday! Elvis” on the anniversary of his death...she must know what she’s talking about.

In New Hampshire she referred to a city in that state where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired. Oops! That was Lexington, Massachusetts. According to our Michelle John Quincy Adams was instrumental in freeing the slaves...wrong time, wrong place...wrong century. He owned slaves...we’ll give Michelle half credit for uttering the word slaves..but Quincy preceded the Civil War by several years.

Isn’t it obvious why Bachmann wants to cut funding of public school education? The kiddies would be smarter than our Michelle!

Thank gawd she’s pro-life! We need more morons in this world, right Michelle? At least you wouldn’t be the dumbest member of Congress...hopefully.

Bachmann’s speeches are replete with misinformation. Be grateful she’s not a History teacher in your kid’s school.

Mentioning all of Bachmann’s gaffes is like shooting fish in a barrel. I just don’t have the stamina to get it done...or the ammo.