Saturday, March 05, 2011

Republicans Vote for Big Oil Subsidies While Gutting The Middle Class

As America struggles to extricate itself from a stagnating economic morass, Republicans have cut programs that benefit all Americans while refusing to cut military spending or raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy. The madness cannot go on forever though and if the current trend of transforming America into a third world economy continues, corporations and the wealthy will not have anyone to buy their crap or services. Republicans have made some critical budget moves that will increase unemployment by cutting programs as a means of reining in spending, but are still giving oil companies tens of billions of dollars in subsidies. OFW.

Republicans voted yesterday to continue oil subsidies for the five largest oil companies while they complain that the government can ill-afford to keep paying out more than it takes in.  Is somebody working overtime to piss me off? The Republican solution to the budget deficit is cutting programs that primarily benefit the poor and working class Americans* because they must protect the oil industry and the wealthy. Between 2005 to 2009, the largest oil companies have made a combined $485 billion in profits prompting John Hoffmeister,* former CEO of Shell Oil to say that the “oil industry doesn’t need subsidies because of sustained high oil prices.”**  Republicans in Congress though, are stuck in a “big oil entitlement” rut that prevents them from looking out for the American people and the economic health of the nation.

*sorry poor and middle class -- you're skrewed.

**Gawd bless you, John Hoffmeister, wherever you are.

Republicans are not feeling overly generous to the oil industry; they are protecting future campaign contributions and pacifying their corporate masters like the Koch brothers* and conservative think tanks who control the media. It is much easier to cut services for the poor and gut programs that protect the environment than to raise the ire of conservatives.

There were 12 Democrats who voted with Republicans to continue oil subsidies, so in fairness, selling out to big oil is not limited to Republicans; there are sleazy politicians on both sides of the aisle. However, every Republican voted to extend the subsidies much like most Republicans are attempting to eliminate collective bargaining arrangements with unions. If states were as cash-strapped as they claim, they would not continue giving tax breaks to corporations that add to the deficits. Republicans cannot even make compromises by rolling back corporate tax breaks and eliminating some programs that are redundant or wasteful. It is just not in Republicans’ mindset to raise taxes on the wealthy or corporations.

*Koch brothers, fock brothers...itz all the same ******* thing!***

***That expression comes to you directly from my idol, Janis Joplin.

There is no reason why taxes for the wealthy cannot be raised.**** During the 1950s under the Eisenhower Administration, the wealthy paid 91% in income taxes and they continued getting rich while the government used the increased revenue to build an interstate highway system; the economy soared.

Republicans either do not or cannot comprehend that when Americans earn living wages, they buy more durable crap like cars, televisions, homes, and spend on services that in turn stimulates more jobs and revenue from taxes. At the rate the country is going now, the disappearing middle class means less spending on goods and services that will eventually sink corporations. Unfortunately, as the middle class disappears so does tax revenue; that means Republicans can cut more services to the increasing ranks of the poor.

****Really? Who will buy the much-needed ermine-lined chamber pots??
    I wanted to put something else...but, it was even too crude for my virgin ears.