Monday, November 08, 2010

Corporate-controlled Media

Regarding Jon Stewart's rally, mainstream corporate-controlled media's conservative bias becomes glaringly evident, proving in fact that "liberal media" is a conservative ruse, an out and out lie.

The Sunday morning political shows didn’t have any coverage of Stewart’s rally. There wasn’t a mention of it. But when they went to commercial break, they showed a dozen Tea Bagger counter-demonstrators.

Conservative, complacent and complicit, that's Mainstream Corporate-Controlled Media in the United States of America.

Ethics and credibility are dead in America---especially on the conservative side of politics. Secretive Republican donors plan ahead. Mr. Koch waives a $1,500 registration fee. Guests on political shows have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence, Tom Price and Paul D. Ryan.

Greed is insidious and will find it's way into every aspect that affects our lives in America. "Justice Scalia infamously refused to recuse himself from a suit against Vice President Dick Cheney even after it was revealed that Scalia and Cheney went on a duck hunting trip together during the pendancy of Cheney's case.

Scalia also came under ethical fire when he skipped Chief Justice Roberts' swearing in ceremony to attend a junket to a Ritz-Carlton resort funded by the right-wing Federalist Society; and Thomas accepted more than $42,000 in free gifts in just six years on the Supreme Court."

Any questions here, "The two justices' attendance at these events raises serious questions about whether Scalia and Thomas are deciding cases impartially - or whether they are pushing the same agenda as all the Koch event’s other attendees." It can only be answered with, "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck", if it looks unethical, sounds unethical, then------!

This says it all. The story of the state of the union in America today, is thanks to the Repuglicans and the secret money that supports them. Robert Reich recently summed up the state of working people: “They’ve lost their jobs, their homes, and their savings. Their grown children have moved back in with them. Their state and local taxes are rising. Teachers and firefighters are being laid off. The roads and bridges they count on are crumbling, pipelines are leaking, schools are dilapidated, and public libraries are being shut. Why isn’t government working for them? Because it’s been bought off. It’s as simple as that."