Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Constitutes A Terrorist?

I ask of every American: What Constitutes Being A Terrorist?

We can agree that the scum who murdered over 3000 innocent Americans on September 11, 2001 are clearly terrorists...

Would we agree then that Timothy McVeigh, who killed so many innocent Americans with his attack on the Murrah buiding, was a terrorist?

But he was a Christian, not an Islamic jihadist. Should we then despise all Christians?

Should we, especially New Yorkers, automatically disapprove of the Community Center which will house a Mosque even though there has been a Mosque in New York for years without incident?

Will the new mosque suddenly put New Yorkers at risk?

I've always prided myself and my fellow New Yorkers for a sophistication that comes with having lived in a big city. We are generally more understanding, more tolerant of those around us.

I sincerely hope and pray that New Yorkers don't lose that very special quality; one that makes us proud to call ourselves New Yorkers for years after having lived there.

We are special. Let's not lose sight of the quality that makes us so. It would be a great lose. And, as Bush would say: the terrorists will have won.

Sorry for that last even repulsed me.