Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meet Rick Scott, That Paragon of Virtue

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Millionaire businessman Rick Scott’s surprise win in the Florida Republican gubernatorial primary Tuesday left both parties scrambling over how to cope with a candidate who possesses both glaring flaws and considerable assets.

Scott’s 3-percentage-point victory over state Attorney General Bill McCollum transforms what would have been a relatively bland general election contest between two establishment politicians into a race that will offer a test of outsider strength in a season of intense voter anger. And it will play out in one of the nation’s largest states — arguably the nation’s most politically pivotal — with consequences that reach well beyond Florida’s borders.

Scott, who will face state Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, left some Democrats thrilled at the prospect of yet another high-profile candidate whose baggage threatens to weigh down the GOP in an otherwise promising year.

“Florida Republicans nominate for governor a corrupt health care CEO that defrauded taxpayers,” said Democratic strategist Mo Elleithee. “Thank you, tea party!”

The $1.7 billion that Columbia/HCA hospital chain paid in fines over Medicare and Medicaid fraud under Scott’s tenure as CEO offers Democrats significant fodder for the fall and is partly why the Republican Governors Association issued a tepid statement Tuesday night observing only that the party “now looks forward.”

Republicans are also nervous about how far to the right Scott positioned himself on immigration in a state where Hispanic votes are key and about how the first-time candidate will perform in the more-exacting general election.

A pockmarked past, extreme stances and a political newcomer on the stump: It’s a familiar narrative for numerous GOP nominees in statewide contests this year.

Still, it may ultimately matter less than the political tail winds blowing at the backs of Republicans.

And, unlike some of his insurgent contemporaries, Scott enjoys a considerable advantage: personal wealth that will enable him to saturate Florida’s airwaves for the next two months.

“Money is no object,” said one top national Republican.

Gee, I wonder how he got his millions? Oh, never mind. Crime apparently pays.

He may not have been the state or national party’s preferred choice, but Scott’s fortune means that the RGA won’t have to spend money in one of the most  expensive states in the country — freeing up cash to spend elsewhere, where it might help swing a competitive race toward the GOP candidate.

Scott’s deep pockets meant that, even as they were crowing about his flaws, national Democrats were expressing uncertainty about how his ability to drop tens of millions into the contest would ultimately affect their own commitment.

“We may have a slight advantage, but it’s still going to be hard-fought race,” acknowledged Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Nathan Daschle.

In addition to the many TV ads his cash can buy, Scott can also afford to underwrite get-out-the-vote activities not just for himself but also for other Republicans on the ballot.

Can you say President Palin? I thought you could. Bet that wiped the smile off your face.