Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here are some sobering thoughts from TV News Lies. They speak of things so terrible we haven’t the nerve to say them out loud. Thoughts many of us have entertained in the privacy and safety of our very own minds. Go to TV News Lies and decide for yourself. For me, there will be the stupid expression on Bush’s face that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

If a group of people made a public statement saying that having a new Pearl Harbor would be the only way the public would support their agenda, and these same people were in positions that would allow them to conduct, permit, or enable such an event when that event actually took place...would they deserve your suspicion? Well this is EXACTLY what happened. The very people with established motives for conducting an event like the one that took place on 9/11/2001 were responsible for national security when we had that most unlikely, unrealistic, and implausible event: the complete catastrophic failure of every single defense procedure in operation. Yet Americans look to these people for protection now.

The US military was running as many as 15 defense drills that day. Some of these drills were live-fly hijacking simulations. Some of the drills were practicing for the possibility of having planes fly into government buildings. Could it be that someone decided that these drills would go live? Why have the corporate news media refused to report the drills to the public? Could it be because you would start asking REAL questions about that day? Well, it is time for you to start asking questions because you may just be supporting the real terrorists!