The #Resistance will not be televised; however, it will be tweeted and blawgged!
8 June 2017 update:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Walp, yesterday's hearings with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the three Intel Chiefs--NSA chief Mike Rogers, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe--was a big fat nothing-burger. All four dodged questions, refusing to say whether or not they had been asked to interfere in the Trump-Russia investigation. Coats clearly committed contempt of Congress, which reacted by pouting and mewling with ever-so-slight discontent.
Ehhh, whiskey tango, over?
Seriously--if tRump HADN'T pressured these men to interfere with the tRump-Russia investigation, they would have been shouting it from the rooftops.
Get it?
They COULD have DENIED tRump's behavior, but THEY DIDN'T.
That should tell you something.
To me, it means that tRump HAD to have pressured them--he obstructed justice by pressuring them to obstruct justice.
Welcome to the cover up, assholes.
Think about it...
If tRump were innocent, he wouldn't have one of his PACs take out political attack ads against Comey, duh. And he wouldn't have asked intel and DOJ professionals to back off the tRump-Russia investigation. And he wouldn't have done a million things he HAS done since the inAUGHuration.
And there's no way in hell Comey was going to chop of tRump's haid, either.
Comey did, however, testify that tRump asked him to lay off investigating Flynn. And Comey was smart enough to release his seven-page statement yesterday so that everyone would know what he had to say and tRump couldn't derail the testimony.
And, on top of that, Comey was smart enough not to read his prepared statement--preferring instead to drop a few bombshells. Like knowing that, if tRump wasn't under investigation for collusion yet, there was a good chance he would eventually be. And how the FBI knew enough not to give Sessions critical information because the FBI knew that Sessions would recuse himself long before he announced it.
According to Republicans, this is all perfectly fine--"it could have been worse"..."tRump is st00pit"..."the self-proclaimed billionaire who claimed that he alone could fix the federal government is too much of a neophyte to know that obstructing justice is wrong"...and other such bullcrap basically constitute the "defense" they are using for their fat, orange Russian boi in the White House. For fuck's sake...tRump has spent more time in court than Perry Mason, as one astute Tweep pointed out. tRump knows it's wrong to obstruct justice, and I can prove it to you: if tRump hadn't known he was about to break the law, then why did he ask everyone but Comey to leave the room?
In short, friends, we are well and truly skr00ed.
According to Twitter user alt_fec, there simply isn't a mechanism to undo the election, even if there were all the evidence of Russian hacking in the world. There is nothing we can do to invalidate the election, hold a special election, or anything else until or unless tRump is impeached and removed from office--at which point, we'll have to do the same for
Friends, we are up shits creek without a paddle...or a canoe.
All snark aside, if you want the Cliff's Notes version of what went down in yesterday's hearing, listen to Randi. It's too good to wait for todaze m00bies.
Come to think of it, so's Randi's vid from today:
Did you know that ickle donnie and eric tRump siphoned money off St. Jude's charity for children with cancer and put that money
into their own pockets?
Choo choo time headlines
N00z you can use
The American Prospect: Ashcroft's Interest
...Read it and weep for what it says about Christopher Wray.
WaPo: The other shoes start falling
...Teaser: "As the briefing was wrapping up, Trump asked everyone to leave the room except for Coats and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. The president then started complaining about the FBI investigation and Comey’s handling of it, said officials familiar with the account Coats gave to associates..."
Wanna see tRump's ad against Comey?
Go to Great America PAC's FB page and scroll down to 2:33 p.m., 6 June 2017 on the timeline:
...Don't forget to take a shower to wash off the filth when you're done. Ick.
Popular Science: Six irrefutable pieces of evidence that prove climate change is real
WaPo: White House touts the ACA's demise even as insurers seek help in stabilizing its marketplace
MoJo: The Trump Organization won't say how it's vetting deals for conflicts of interest
Indivisible guide: The RAA: The Worst Bill You've Never Heard Of
War on the rocks: Washington and the Latest Qatari Row
...According to Reuters, Iran blames Saudi Arabia for the two-pronged attack yesterday in the Parliament and Khomeini's mausoleum--both of which symbolize key democratic and political aspects of Iranian governance. Since Saudi Arabia cut off Qatar and Iran sided with Qatar, it makes sense that Iran would think the Saudis were behind the attack. Meanwhile, tRump crowed that he instigated the split--that the Saudis cut off Qatar because he "advised" them to. That sounds like bullshit, but if it-snot, it begs some interesting why would tRump want to cut off Qatar when it's not only the biggest American military base in the Middle East but also the site of one of his hotel "deals"? And why does tRump NOT know that Iran doesn't support ISIS and that ISIS HATES Iran?
NPR: Asked About Discrimination, Betsy DeVos Said This 14 Times
...As I called DeVos on Twitter: evil masked behind a benign smile.
ACLU: ACLU Statement on Nomination of New FBI Director
...Friends, this will give you pause. In addition to concerns about tRump and his demands of fealty, the ACLU had this to say about tRump's nomination of Christopher Wray to head the FBI: "“Christopher Wray’s firm’s legal work for the Trump family, his history of partisan activity, as well as his history of defending Trump’s transition director during a criminal scandal makes us question his ability to lead the FBI with the independence, even-handed judgment, and commitment to the rule of law that the agency deserves. Given that Wray touts his deep involvement in the Bush administration's response to the 9/11 attacks, which includes his connections to some of the most unlawful legal memos on Bush-era torture programs, the Senate should press Wray to come clean about his role in the programs. In this important moment for our country, the American people deserve a commitment from any nominee for FBI director to the foundational principles of our Constitution, and that that commitment outweighs any loyalty to a political party or a single politician. We will be watching closely in the coming days to ensure Wray makes these commitments and earns the trust of the public."
[Emphasis mine. -- Dot Calm's shadow]
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
...These are Comey's statements, all seven pages of 'em. He confirms that tRump cornered him, demanded fealty, and pressured him to back off the investigation of Flynn. As I understand it all, he also intimates that Rosenstein was set up for the job...that Flynn lied about Kislyak...and that Sessions is a slimeball who can't be trusted to do the right thing for the country.
The Atlantic: The Scandal of Trump Is What's Already Known
Daily Kos: DHS withholding grants aimed at countering white supremacist violence
ABC News: India's rising temperatures are already deadly, study shows
The Globe and Mail: At long last, a forum where Trump cannot escape the truth
BoingBoing: Russian malware communicates by leaving comments in Britney Spears's Instagram account 16 Policies to Combat the Kremlin's Playbook – Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Foreign Policy: Why Is Putin's 'Private Slush Fund' Courting Jared Kushner?
WaPo: How cable news networks are reacting to Comey's hearing
...From network to network, the wording changes from a definitive accusation leveled at a mild accusation of "And now for something completely different...." You can guess which network is which, but, if you can't, the graphics tell the story.
VICE: Al Jazeera Says It's Under a Massive 'Cyber Attack'
...The back story is that Al Jazeera is headquartered in Qatar, which is one reason Saudi Arabia wants to take Qatar out, and I don't mean on a date. Al J is the only voice in the region that dissents against Saudi Arabia, and the network has the trust of audiences worldwide. If you like BBC and Sky News, you'll love Al Jazeera.
Bill Moyers: Worried About Election Hacking? There's a Fix for That
Reuters: Republicans take knife to post-crisis Wall Street reforms
...Remember what I said about Republicans axing Dodd-Frank while we were all mesmerized by Director Comey? There's a reason they do this: they engineer the economy to crash so that they can extract all the money from it. Like in the 2008 crash, the plutocrats crashed the market, which killed our jobs, so they could foreclose on our homes...which means that they got not only our houses but our equity in them...and then, when they deigned for us to become re-employed, they sold us our houses back at full price. It's a win-win-win for them...not so much for us. Dodd Frank was a modest measure to keep the banks from gambling with OUR money...but then the plutocrats can't crash the economy with pesky regulations like that in it had to go.
Links you can use
Here's how to report election fraud:
...follow alt_fec on Twitter for a great thread regarding the rules.
Here's a hilarious video comparing the intellect of Justin Trudeau with the "intellect" of tRump: The American Health Care Act: An $800,000 Annual Tax Cut for Greg
...There's a file on that asshole Issa, too.
tRumpcare Toolkit: Trumpcare Toolkit | Home
...Because, while we were all glued to the Comey hearings, Republicans were voting to foist tRumpcare on us and strip us of what little consumer protections we have under Dodd-Frank
Don't forget to check out the repository set up by Scott Dworkin (Twitter user funder) regarding all the Greedy Oily PEWtineers Russian-funded malfeasance:
The Dworkin Report: Evidence Tying Donald Trump to Russia
Trump Dossier Analysis: Corroborating Evidence in the Trump-Russia Dossier
"My dad pedals the bicycle to power the teevee,
because the yurt is hurt."
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
- Comey saw 'letting Flynn go' as Trump order; also implicates Pence, Sessions
- When a president says 'I hope' you'll stop investigating someone, it's a threat. Period.
- Comey on Russia: 'They're coming for America'—but Trump didn't give a damn about it
- Sign the petition: Release transcripts of White House recordings
- One thing is clear: We need an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate Trump's ties to Russia. Click here to sign if you agree.
- Senate Intelligence Republicans manufacture excuses for Trump and blame for Comey
- Did Trump collude with Russia? Comey: 'I don’t think I should answer in an open setting'
- Comey forced to explain that Trump's tweets and 'looking the FBI director in the eye' are different
- Comey intentionally tried to 'prompt the appointment of a special counsel'
- Comey was 'aware of facts' he can't discuss that made Sessions' Russia involvement 'problematic'
- Comey says Pence was aware of Flynn problems as early as the transition, which means Pence lied
- Comey: Trump telling him to lay off of Flynn was 'an order'
- Comey just verified the veracity of the 'hooker dossier'
- Comey on why he kept written records of Trump meetings: 'I was honestly concerned that he might lie'
- Comey on White House framing of FBI in tatters: 'Those were lies, plain and simple'
- Democrat uses her seven minutes with Comey to go after Jeff Sessions
- Twitter responds to Comey statement on Trump's loyalty demands and hooker denials
- Republican tries to ask gotcha question to Jon Ossoff—and it explodes in her face
- James Comey wanted his written testimony out there early—and with good reason
- Want to stop Trump? Chip in $1 to help Daily Kos keep fighting.
- Christianist cult in NC finally getting its day of reckoning
- Sessions left hanging as Trump turns his back on the attorney general
- Donald Trump announced his FBI pick on Twitter ... and the White House is silent
- Three senior FBI officials can vouch for Comey’s story about Trump
- Texas just lost a major convention because of the racist 'show me your papers' law
- Coats' and Rogers' refusal to answer questions has senators boiling mad
- School bullies are using the words and name 'Trump' to harass and attack their classmates
- Muslim teens capture Islamophobic harassment at Mexican restaurant in Illinois by crazy racist idiot
- Montana Republican apologizes for body-slamming reporter, donates $50,000 to Committee to Protect Journalists
- Another science denier appointed: 'abstinence-only' promoter gets post at Health and Human Services
- Dan Coats and Mike Rogers refuse to say whether or not Trump tried to get them to interfere at FBI
- Everything you need to know about obstruction of justice for today's James Comey hearing
- The Midday Show with Sean Spicer: Tweets are in, Sessions is out
- Trump discovers source of all terrorism—the guy he promised to sell 'beautiful' weapons to last week
- Looks like $110 billion Saudi arms deal is bull
- Daily Kos is $299,500.48 away from our June goal. Can you chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your inbox every day?
- Special Counsel Mueller puts an expert in the Mafia and fraud at the heart of his investigation
- Kansas governor's tax experiment comes to end, as legislature overturns veto
- Trump's plan to create a 'war room' to fight Russia allegations fails—on the creating a room step
- Senate Republicans trash their own leadership, prep for a budget 'train wreck'
- Trump attempts to distract America, announces replacement for the FBI director he fired
- Alabama counties cut 85% of their food stamp participants with no work in sight
- Help make Trump irrelevant. Sign the petition: I want my state and city to join the Paris climate agreement
- Only four months into the job, sycophantic Jeff Sessions is already threatening to resign
- Organizers kicked a child out of a soccer tournament because they refused to believe she's a girl
- Top Democrat on Intel Committee: Russian hacking of U.S. election systems 'much broader' than in Intercept report
- Sorry, kids, no health care for you in Trumpcare
- Harrowing statistic: One in two gay and bi black men could become infected with HIV
- Winning hearts and minds, international edition
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Friends, I have great m00bies...the best show you today, but Blogger is being a horse's ass and won't let me post them! GRRRRR!
I will post them separately--maybe we'll luck out, and they and this humongo post will both display.
6 June 2017 post:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Today, I have a special treat for you: no essay!
Nope--today, allow me to present a poem written by my friend Jim Stahler...the first installment of a few he graciously sent me.
©Jim Stahler
[11-27-14 This is a response to those who think that illegal aliens should all be deported because they broke the law. The problem is worse than anyone can imagine.]
Driving down the highway
Those cars go zooming past,
Changing lanes without signaling
While they go way too fast.
They must be illegal aliens.
Send them back to where they belong.
A native born American
Would never do anything wrong.
In high school and in college
Getting drunk is all the rage,
Imbibing too much alcohol
Even though they’re under age.
They must be illegal aliens.
Send them back to where they belong.
A native born American
Would never do anything wrong.
In the hallowed halls of congress
They’re doing what they should not.
Taking bribes and having sex
And stupidly getting caught.
They must be illegal aliens.
Send them back to where they belong.
A native born American
Would never do anything wrong.
A red, white, and blue American would never do anything wrong.
You and I are true Americans; we would never do anything wrong.
Hopefully, that made you smile and fortified you to face the n00z I've got lined up today...
And with that less-than-happy thot, allow me to slawg on with the blawg.
- Dot Calm's shadow
Choo choo time headlines
If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see that these stories comprise a sample of what I retweet. I like collecting them here on the blawg for easy long-term reference.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
The Guardian: The six questions Nigel Farage won't answer on Trump-Russia
WaPo: Fact-checking President Trump's claims on the Paris climate change deal
MediaMatters: NRA board member Ted Nugent stands by call for Hillary Clinton to be hanged EPA FACT SHEET: Clean Power Plan BY THE NUMBERS--CUTTING CARBON POLLUTION FROM POWER PLANTS
Reuters: Trump's continued search for new FBI chief seen as chaotic
There's also this from Reuters: U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes
Rewire: The Breach: In the Shadow of Putin With Sarah Kendzior
ABC News: DOJ never told Comey of concerns before axing him and now he's angry
...Spoiler: the government has processes and procedures for firing career public servants. The fact that tRump never told Comey a single "concern" tells me that said "concerns" are bogus--a pathetic excuse made up after the fact to rationalize the decision to obstruct the tRump-Russia investigation.
WaPo: Scientists just published an entire study refuting Scott Pruitt on climate change
Newsweek: Putin Vows Military Response to 'Eliminate NATO Threat is Sweden Joins
...Spoiler: Sweden gave PEWtin the big FUCK YOU and joined NATO anyway. Good!
Slate: The Weather Channel's response to Trump's Paris Agreement pullout was powerful
...Spoiler: it was awesome...
Dame Magazine: The Silencing of the Hillary Clinton Supporter
...In other words, Democrats and Republicans alike are wringing their hands to figure out how to get fewer than 25% of the American populace--the so-called Working Class White Man--to vote for them while ignoring the more sizeable proportion of male and female Hillary supporters.
Chicago Tribune: Emanuel backs off from commitment to court oversight of Chicago police reform
Parthian Arrow blog: Unintended Presidential Resignation Stonekettle Station: The Hubris of Ignorance
Lawfareblog: A New Jurisprudence for an Oathless Presidency
...In other words, nobody takes tRump seriously as "president." It's clear that he is completely divorced from his oath of office. So, what else will the courts decide they can safely ignore?
Bill Moyers: A Tax on Wall Street Trading is the Best Solution to Income Inequality
The Guardian: Far right raises £50,000 to target boats on refugee rescue missions in the Mediterranean
Adelphi: Insurgency, Terrorism and Organised Crime in a Warming--I read a piece with this title as originally posted on the New Climate for Peace blog, but it seems to have been taken down.
Paste Magazine: How the Trump-Russia Data Machine Games Google to Fool Americans
Reuters: Deutsche Bank ignores U.S. Trump/Russia query: Democratic staffer
WaPo: How to teach kids about climate change where most parents are skeptics
GWU: Nazis vs. ISIS on Twitter - The George Washington University
Daily Kos: 99 "coincidences" connecting Trump and Putin
Wired: A Retiree Discovers an Elusive Math Proof—And Nobody Notices
The Daily Beast: John Oliver Goes Off on the Media for 'Insulting' London Attack Coverage
McClatchy: GOP strategists plot anti-media strategy for 2018 elections
MoJo: Trump's Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey
New Yorker: How President Trump Could Seize More Power After a Terrorist Attack
All That Is Interesting: Dinosaur 'Mummy' Unveiled With Skin And Guts Intact
Boston Globe: Donald Trump's airline went from opulence to crash landing
The Guardian: My best friend was killed by a terrorist – I can't work for the Saudi regime any more | Alastair Bealby
The Intercept: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election
...Nutshell: Reality Winner is a 25-year-old who had access to top secret information and who leaked it to The Intercept, apparently without any concern for getting caught. The NSA's attention to what she leaked verifies that the information is accurate. However, it does not show evidence of Russian hacking of our actual voting machines--which makes sense because they're not connected to the Internet--EXCEPT that Russia DID hack into the software company that makes the software IN our voting machines (see todaze DN! headlines below for the full story on that). We're not sure yet what exactly Russia did--it could all just have been exploratory this time around. However, the document and NSA's reaction to it do confirm that PEWtin LIED when he denied Russian interference with our election in his interview with Megyn Kelly. As if we didn't expect as much.
ProPublica: Here Are the Financial Disclosures of 349 Officials Trump Has Installed Across the Government
WSJ: Trump Hotel Received $270,000 From Lobbying Campaign Tied to Saudis
...Say it with me now, boyz 'n' goilz: "EMOLUMENTS"!
Reuters: California, China defy US climate retreat with new cleantech tie-up
Brookings Institute: The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news
...In other words, tRump is trying to take credit for and build up something that existed before he came into the picture. It's barely a promise for the Saudis to browse our military-industrial-complex wares. Note to self: don't believe ONE WORD spewed forth by the orange face anus in comrade twAtler's orange face.
MoJo: Donald Trump Just Slammed Qatar for Terrorism. So What's Up With His Big Hotel Project There?
Forbes: How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business
...In other words, tRump funneled money from St. Jude's charity to fight childhood cancer into his own pockets. Not only is this repulsively unethical, but it's also likely illegal.
Reuters: Deutsche Bank ignores US Trump/Russia query: Democratic Staffer
...Friends, this is gravely troubling...gravely troubling. I wonder whether Angela Merkel can help.
Reuters: Trump's blocking of Twitter users violates US Constitution : rights institute
...tRumplethinskin has already blocked a lot of libs trying to get under his skin, but that's apparently unconstitutional because his Twitter account constitutes an official channel between him and the public! Can you imagine the class lawsuit? I'm trying to piss him off and get blocked myself....
CNN: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis
...So, first, tRump claimed that Saudi et alia were following his "advice" to cut ties with Qatar. Then, we find out that the so-called crisis tRump based his first tweet on was fake news planted by Russia...which only goes to prove that tRump explicitly followed PEWtin's orders in the matter.... But, wait--there's moar! Wanna know how the Russkies got orange twAtler's goat and goaded him to dismantle our alliance with Qatar? They planted insults from Qatar directed at him in their fake news article! tRumplethinskin ain't nuthin' if not predictably malleable....
CNN: Trump claims credit for Arab rift with Qatar
NY Times: Comey Told Sessions: Don't Leave Me Alone With Trump
...Preet Bharara tweeted in reponse: if tRump tells everyone else to leave the room, then leave the room with everyone else. (In other words, leave the naughty ickle toddler alone!)
WaPo: Trump jumps into worsening dispute between Qatar and powerful Arab bloc
...And thus doing PEWtin's bidding of weakening our alliances and thus weakening the United States of America.
BuzzFeed: The Most Important Donald Trump Campaign Adviser You've Never Heard Of
ShareBlue: Trump blows off military experts on Qatar, endangers largest US base in the Middle East
...But not to worry--Qatar won't have to tolerate the vacuum of losing our support for very long...Iran will gladly step in and fill the void. What could go wrong?
And are a couple or three things to do while you wait with bated breath for my next post:
Click through and sign up to #Resist at
Tell these bastards to quit with the st00pit Ivanka puff pieces:
Feedback CNN - Videos, Pictures, and News -
Are you a STEM professional looking to skip town and head to greener pastures abroad? Start your job search here: Jobs Search | EURAXESS
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
Donald Trump 'sours' on Sessions, takes him to the tweet shed over Muslim ban
Morning Joe explains Donald Trump's failed response to the London attack in one perfect pop quiz
When a joke is more than a joke
Kos is $313,892.80 away from our June goal. Can you chip in $1 to
support the team that brings progressive news to your inbox every day?
Misogyny at the movies: Wonder Woman inspires one of the most sexist movie reviews ever
Meet The Press panelist calls out Trump on domestic terrorism—Chuck Todd changes subject
Breitbart fires one of their racists—and now she's asking for handouts that she's railed against
White woman running for office on Long Island calls black neighbors the N-word
Trump complains about Democrats failing to confirm people he hasn't nominated
Trump's out-of-control presidency
Sign if you are outraged: We must remain in the Paris climate agreement
ACLU: New Mexico Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill prescription related to IUD insertion
Tulsa Sheriff's 'Reserve Deputies' mysteriously amass impressive track record of gun fails
This tiny Texas town can't afford a gas pump, but it's leading the resistance to hateful legislation
NSA report reveals Russian effort to hack US voting systems days before the 2016 election
Like the terrorists themselves, Trump wants people to be terrified
- Trump's departure from Paris agreement 'a nationalist manifesto of the most imbecilic variety'
Sign the petition: Investigate Jeff Sessions for violating his recusal
Sign the petition: I am not a reporter, and I want to see Donald Trump’s tax returns
Sign the petition: Elect the president by national popular vote
Sign if you agree: Suspend Jared Kushner's security clearance
Sign the petition to the Special Counsel: Subpoena Republican leadership
Sign the petition: Special counsel is not enough. We need an independent probe.
Sign the petition: I want my state and city to join the Paris climate agreement.
Sign the petition: Don’t mess with Social Security!
Sign if you are outraged Trump pulled us out of the Paris climate agreement
Sign the petition: Block Trump's voter suppression agenda now
Add your name: Demand that Congress protects arts funding
- Want to take revenge on House Republicans who voted to destroy health care? Here is how.
NASA reveals embarrassing news on climate
The fate of Mar-A-Lago
The whole world's laughing. At you, dumba**
Help make Trump irrelevant. Sign the petition: I want my state and city to join the Paris climate agreement
Trump's Paris decision was influenced by an 'aggressive' handshake from the French president
Spicer and entire White House staff develop collective amnesia on Trump's climate change views
MIT researcher who Trump cited during Paris Agreement speech says decision could be 'catastrophic'
Barack Obama slams Trump's bad leadership for leaving the Paris Climate Agreement
Sign if you are outraged: We must remain in the Paris climate agreement
Trump's Paris decision may be the best thing for #TheResistance, ever!
Donald Trump was not elected by the people of Pittsburgh
Fact-checking the fact-less
In that last election, who voted to shoot, starve, poison, and slaughter wild horses?
Trump puts NO ONE in charge of NOAA or FEMA as hurricane season just arrived
Americans will fight climate change without Trump
Trump yanks U.S. from Paris climate pact—American exceptionalism of the worst kind
Last year the US produced almost 20 percent of electricity via renewables—obliterating expectations
U.S. needs to accelerate growth in green jobs by treating climate change like the crisis of WWII
Let's build some infrastructure
Former Fox contributor confirms what we always suspected about Fox
Notice posted in girls' school bathroom points out priorities—and it's going viral
American sociopath
June 5 and Daily Kos is still $325,368.64 away from our June goal. Can
you chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your
inbox every day?
MIT researcher who Trump cited during Paris Agreement speech says decision could be 'catastrophic'
Dear white Trump voters with an opiate addict in the family: Your president embraces this dude
AP fact-check on London: Trump 'can't be counted on to give accurate information to Americans'
A sociopathic Trump uses London attacks to promote fear and deride his London opponents
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Justice League
Senate Republicans consider taxing employer-provided health insurance
Help make Trump irrelevant. Sign the petition: I want my state and city to join the Paris climate agreement
Trump's three day Twitter attack over London includes arguing for tougher version of Muslim ban
The White House search for a new FBI director has been 'chaotic', with 'no clear framework or logic'
Colorado's marijuana profits are going to schools and fighting opioid addiction
Who are the good guys, anyway?
How conservative propaganda works in America: The signal and the noise
- Yes, I am a social justice warrior
Idiot President tweets idiotic crap this morning after London attack
Trump is a bully. But not for much longer.
Stung by O'Reilly firing and Hannity's decline, conservatives seek revenge on ... Rachel Maddow
June 4 and Daily Kos is still $332,482 away from our June goal. Can you
chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your
inbox every day?
Brennan: "I am aware of intelligence of contacts and interactions between Russians / Trump Campaign"
Dear white Trump voters with an opiate addict in the family: Your president embraces this dude
I worked an international festival under a Trump Presidency. Here's what happened.
Newt Gingrich has pro-Trump book coming out. Kos's anti-Trump book is better. Pre-order it today!
Democratic opponent to Steve King in Iowa withdraws, citing death threats
Trump puts NO ONE in charge of NOAA or FEMA as hurricane season just arrived!
Trump isn't Jackson. He's Harding.
"Trump's incompetence won't save our democracy:" Masha Gessen for the New York Times
Trump is still spouting falsehoods about NATO, and it's yet another sign of his incapacity
Media is still spinning BS when it comes to Clinton
Ignore all the 'agenda' people
London ~ In words and pictures (courage, sorrow and shame)
An absolutely incomplete look at a few things that happened in week 19
George Takei answer the Donald Question in 6 words
After six years of silence, Goldman-Sachs CEO finally tweets. And it's a doozy.
Cartoon: Donald Trump 0045, Superspy
Trump's Paris decision was influenced by an 'aggressive' handshake from the French president
MSNBC Host takes Joe Walsh to the cleaners for defending Trump's Paris agreement fiasco
Trump calls facts he doesn't like 'fake news.' That's why it's more
important than ever to support independent, progressive media. Can you
chip in $1 to help Daily Kos keep fighting?
Trump tried to sneak in lifting Russian sanctions before anyone could stop him
Donald Trump's Twitter account is a 'gold mine' of information for investigators
Cartoon: Oregon's Republicans go full militia
Desperate pro-Trumpcare Republicans are attempting to cover their butts. It's not going well.
Cartoon: A brief history of liberal demonization
Trump, Sessions, Rosenstein never discussed with Comey their concerns written in memo firing him
Newt Gingrich has pro-Trump book coming out. Kos's anti-Trump book is better. Pre-order it today!
Trump might try to block Comey from testifying.
California Senate Democrats have passed a single-payer healthcare bill
Kansas State legislator reminds fellow legislator he's carrying a gun before she casts her vote.
Sign if you are outraged: We must remain in the Paris climate agreement
Sign the petition: I want my state & city to join the Paris climate agreement, Donald Trump be damned
Trump orders agencies to ignore information requests from Democrats
Trump's New York golf course is having business problems because people hate Donald Trump
MSNBC's Joy Reid's Twitter storm breaks down every fact about Trump's Russian foreign policy
'These people aren't going to vote for Democrats,' says Republican whose district voted for Clinton
Kremlin-backed bank contradicts Kushner's explanation for December meeting
Trump calls facts he doesn't like 'fake news.' That's why it's more
important than ever to support independent, progressive media. Can you
chip in $1 to help Daily Kos keep fighting?
Bannon seeking to take over US governmental messaging abroad
Isikoff: Secret Trump plan to lift Russian sanctions right away was foiled by State employees
Donald Trump is a petulant, whiny man-child, and treating him like an adult just cost the world
Kansas State legislator reminds fellow legislator he's carrying a gun before she casts her vote.
Iowa's GOP senators get real with constituents: Obamacare repeal ain't happening
Sign if you are outraged: We must remain in the Paris climate agreement
Walmart's new package delivery plan: Its workers can drop your order off on their way home
Hate crime targeting LeBron James reminds us that hate is alive and well in the good old USA
'We will continue to lead' on climate, nearly 100 mayors pledge in rebuke to Trump
- 5 reasons why xenophobic “English-Only” biases undermine our kids’ education, job prospects
Yesterday, Donald Trump announced his decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement. Here are the top stories regarding the proclamation:
Three major states already "joining" Paris Accord
The White House's response to a question from the press about climate change is madness
Vatican says Trump's climate decisions are 'a slap in the face,' like believing in flat earth theory
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day until he's impeached.
Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive media?
President Obama slams Trump on Paris Agreement: 'Even in the absence of American leadership...'
The tech world reacts to Trump's folly
French President Emmanuel Macron addresses the world
Cities around the world light up in green in support of Paris Climate Agreement
Sign if you are outraged: We must remain in the Paris climate agreement
More condemnation of Trump's abandonment of Paris climate pact
Reactions to Trump taking US out of Paris Agreement: 'Ignorant,' 'History will condemn us' and more
Trump yanks U.S. from Paris climate pact—American exceptionalism of the worst kind
Trump vs the planet
Kushner admitted: "Trump thinks Republicans are stupid"
Lol! Hillary Clinton schools Trump on Twitter
Mueller could obtain Trump's tax returns -- without telling Trump
Cartoon: Oregon's Republicans go full militia
Trump calls facts he doesn't like 'fake news.' That's why it's more
important than ever to support independent, progressive media. Can you
chip in $1 to help Daily Kos keep fighting?
Sheriff Clarke sued for ordering student's harassment who shook his head disapprovingly (with video)
Devin Nunes violates House rules and his recusal, issues subpoenas without Democratic support
Hold my beer, Ohio's got this
Republicans plan to give Elizabeth Warren the Hillary Clinton treatment
Not a "race riot," it was a massacre. The destruction of Black Wall Street, Greenwood, Tulsa OK 1921
Sign the petition: Investigate Jeff Sessions for violating his recusal
Deported U.S. military veterans commemorate Memorial Day in Mexico
Nick Kristof has a superb column on Portland
Trump's new rule would give birth control veto power to all bosses, not just religious groups
Muslims in Portland have raised over $500,000 for the families of the heroes who defended love
The split on Paris pact; budget cuts more like 'radical surgery'
- U.S. needs to accelerate growth in green jobs by treating climate change like the crisis of WWII
text "Resist" to 50409
And check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
Remember to boycott all the tRump shills on the boycott list below and tell them why.
And don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Open Secrets
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list below unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great YouTube channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of

Boycott media!
Don't bother with these media outlets any more unless you want trump propaganda--these media outlets have whored themselves out to trump for access for the low, low price of "fancy" cocktails and a "fancy" dinner, consisting of Donald's shriveled orange acorn dick, at chump's "fancy" (aka FAKE PLASTIC, just like everything else about trump and his FAKE PLASTIC family) "resort" in Florida. What an upstanding, responsible response to trump's denying press conferences since 27 July 2016...retch. So much for comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable, and speaking truth to power to keep that power reined in and in check...!
- Axios
- Bloomberg
- Breitbart because duh--according to AlterNet, Howard Dean Lends Voice to Consumer Activist Group Hitting Breitbart in the Wallet—And It's Working
- FOX because of course
- MSNBC (includes Joe Scarborough, but Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes may still be OK as long as their corporate overlords allow it)
- NBC (they also have the reality TV show conflict of interest--and they just hired a couple of FUX Noise escapees, so beware a hard swing to the far, far right)
- POLITICO--their top editor(s) went and paid to party with trump, so now more and more trump propaganda has been showing up there, to my infinite disgust
Boycott vendors that support trump, sell trump shit, and otherwise pander to hate!
Boycott Victoria's Secret--they kick out shoppers who are guilty of shopping while Black!
Here's a twofer: let's save our money for when dump tanks the economy and grab the trumpussy grabber-in-thief where it hurts most--by his wallet!
Want to boycott trump? There's an app for that!
And here's a list of trump companies.
There's also a spreadsheet of trump supporters and vendors that carry trump merch that includes the vendors below.
Don't forget New Balance, who praised and supported trump: 1 (800) 595-9138.
Here's the list from Mindy Fischer, featuring 28 vendors that sell trump merchandise. BOYCOTT them all and TELL them why!
Contact info: (888) 676-2660, HQ- (702) 943-7777
Amazon--pressure them to DUMP BREITBART, while you're at it!
Contact info: (888) 280-4331 HQ- (206) 266-1000
Contact info: (866) 235-5443 HQ- (704) 357-1000
Contact info: (800) 777-0000 HQ- (212) 705-2000
Contact info: (877) 258-3359 HQ- (212) 944-8000
The Bon-Ton
Contact info: (800) 233-7626 HQ- (800) 937-5449
Bed Bath and Beyond
Contact info: (800) 462-3966 HQ- (908) 688-0888…
Burlington Coat Factory
Contact info: (855) 355-2875 HQ- (609) 387-7800
Contact info: (800) 945-4438 HQ- (317) 971-6200
Century 21 department store
Contact info: (877) 350-2121 HQ- (888) 221-2551
Contact info: (800) 345-5273 HQ- (501) 376-5200
DSW Shoes
Contact info: (866) 379-7463 HQ- (614) 237-7100
Hudson’s Bay
Contact info: (800) 521-2364 HQ- (800) 521-2364…
Contact info: (800) 284-3900 HQ- (727) 872-1000
Contact Info: (855) 538-4323 HQ- (844) 538-2255
Joss & Main
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Lord & Taylor
Contact info: (800) 223-7440 HQ- (212) 391-3344…
Contact info: (800) 289-6229 HQ- (513) 579-7000
Marshalls and TJ Maxx
Contact info: (888) 627-7425 HQ- (508) 390-1000
Contact info: (800) 843-2446 HQ- (801) 947-3100
Contact info: (866) 557-2368 HQ- (800) 228-3489
Saks Off Fifth
Contact info: (877) 551-7257 HQ- (212) 320-4700
Stein Mart
Contact info: (888) 783-4662 HQ- (904) 346-1500
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Contact info: (514) 788 4949 HQ- (905) 405-8000
Contact info: (800) 927-7671 HQ- (702) 943-7777
Contact info: (877) 779-5615 HQ- (206) 724-0500
OK, friends--let's get busy!
#covfefe, when the walls fell...
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