Have I told you how much I hate these people? - Mike Malloy. It is every thinking person’s responsibility not to side with his or her executioners. - Albert Camus. Popular democracy anywhere threatens fascism everywhere. - The Scallion. A fascist junta of neocons using George W. Bush as its shill has taken over America by bloodless coup. What will it take for us to stage a revolution and take our country back? - Dot Calm. Drive a hybrid. Leave a lighter footprint on the planet. - Dot Calm.
Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
There are some things about my Tea Party Christian friend that drive me nuts.
He is what my dad calls "seldom right but never in doubt."
You can't talk with someone like him because he doesn't listen to a word you say--heck, he doesn't even listen to a word he says!
(I'm sure he really does hear what he himself says, but he denies so much of it that you really would swear that he can't hear himself speak.)
Like Mike Pence in the video in todaze m00bies, my Tea Party Christian friend completely misunderstands the world around him, but that doesn't stop him from being completely smug that he's the expert.
Doesn't he realize that so many of his beliefs are falsifiable?
For example, he pretends to believe the Bible literally.
He doesn't believe the Bible literally, of course--who with more than one firing brain cell could? In particular, my Tea Party Christian friend is an old earth creationist, which already means that he couldn't get through Chapter 1 of Genesis and believe it literally any more than I could.
I wonder if he believes the story of Jacob's goat-breeding escapades in Genesis 30:25 literally. Go ahead and read the story now...I'll wait.
Then Jacob took fresh sticks of poplar and almond and plane trees, and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white of the sticks. He set the sticks that he had peeled in front of the flocks in the troughs, that is, the watering places, where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred when they came to drink, the flocks bred in front of the sticks and so the flocks brought forth striped, speckled, and spotted. (ESV)
Did you see it? Jacob whittles stripes into some branches and arranges them around the water trough so that the goats without markings will see the stripey scenery while they mate, producing offspring that are marked...spotted, striped, and (in the King James Version) ringstraked (what the hell is a ringstrake, anyway? Let me check teh Google...oh! Ringstraked means having circular stripes. I guess like a bullseye. Now I know!).
It doesn't matter that Jacob was able to breed the solid goats to get marked ones--perhaps markings are a recessive trait in that type of goat. What matters is that, when God wrote His book--as my friend claims is what happened--God made a point of including this...odd...breeding mechanism. God doesn't use the opportunity to speak something profound, like teaching His children about genetics...genes and chromosomes that are invisible to the naked eye...something they had no way of knowing...something that would have truly shown the Bible to be divine...indisputably for all people in all places and all times.
No...God makes it clear in His book that He believes that offspring's appearance is determined by scenery, not genetics.
Friends, this is a testable hypothesis (and you thought I was going to say "detestable hypothesis").
Just find yourself an animal breeder and see for yourself whether the offspring look like their families or whether they look like where they were bred.
If God were speaking the literal truth in this story, then we would expect to see breeding pairs of dogs that are placed in rooms with striped wallpaper producing striped puppies.
But you know what? That's exactly what we don't see. Why? Because that's not how the world works.
Just try convincing people like Mike Pence and my Tea Party Christian friend of that, though.
They are sooooo convinced they're right...AND THEY VOTE.
Be afraid, my friends--be VERY afraid.
Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Trump's modeling agency encouraged models to work illegally on tourist visas
...but that's ok because those models are white and European. Trumpkins couldn't care less that Trump and the models broke our immigration laws. I'm sure they also don't care that Trump's modeling agency and others like it charge those women most of their earnings for shitty "dorms."
The bogus claims of the NRA's favorite social scientist, debunked
...Well worth reading and passing along to your favorite ammosexuals. Yep, friends--it turns out that mass shooters do NOT target gun-free zones and are NOT afraid of civilian ammosexuals. Turns out they're much more concerned about the po-po. Also, suicide risk goes up when there's a gun in the house, and children accidentally shoot themselves and each other more than this John Lott, Jr., ammosexual claims.
Red tape at the FDA doesn't explain America's high drug prices
...Turns out it's a combination of too much regulation in some situations, like allowing generics into the market, and not enough in others, like letting drug companies set their own prices.
Patterson has been incarcerated for 21 years for crimes she did not
commit. I was one of the jurors who voted to convict her of a robbery
that ended in the shooting death of Michelle Lai in 1994. But new
evidence surfaced that shows me the verdict was wrong. Tyra is innocent
and Ohio Governor Kasich should take action to release her from prison
I had serious doubts about Tyra's guilt at the time I
voted to convict her. I could tell she wasn't really a part of the
group that committed the crimes -- she had just found herself at the
wrong place at the wrong time. But we didn't have the proof to back up
my instinct.
It turned out the evidence existed -- it just wasn't presented at trial.
For example, as a juror I did not know that Tyra called 911 after the
shooting to get help or that one of the victims had testified at an
earlier trial that a co-defendant -- not Tyra -- had committed the
robbery that Tyra had confessed to. Knowing that now makes me believe
that the “confession” Tyra made was false.
Her lawyers never told us about the concept of false confessions. I wish they had.
have lost many nights of sleep over Tyra’s case. I started this
petition two years ago and with public pressure, the persistence of
Tyra, and the work of her legal team, there are now Republican
lawmakers, the former Ohio Attorney General, and former correctional
officers who worked with Tyra, all advocating for her release.
I had known about the evidence that supports Tyra’s innocence at trial,
I never would have voted to convict her. All four of Tyra's
co-defendants, a witness and Tyra herself passed polygraphs supporting
Tyra's innocence claim. She has now spent 21 years, almost half her
life, behind bars. She initially received a longer sentence than even
the shooter herself.
The Ohio Parole Board heard Tyra's case,
where all of the evidence and all the great things Tyra's done to
transform herself were presented. I was there. The majority of board
members made it clear that they resented the public support Tyra was
receiving, particularly from elected officials. They would not even let
her speak, even though she had a right to do so.
In a split vote, the Parole Board unjustly recommended that Tyra not be released.
But, the final decision is still made by Governor Kasich.
I believe that if enough people sign this petition, Governor Kasich
will see that the public supports Tyra’s release and will do the right
thing and allow her to come home.
Please sign this petition and help begin to right this wrong.
The petition to Enterprise Rent-A-Car reads: “The American Legislative Exchange Council’s opposition to clean
energy directly contradicts your stated commitment to sustainability.
Stop funding climate change denial and immediately end your membership
in ALEC.”
Add your name:
From UltraViolet--Stop Google from misinforming pregnant women
Google is putting vulnerable women in danger.
Two years ago, under pressure from our allies at NARAL, Google agreed
to take down a slew of ads from "crisis pregnancy centers" (CPCs) --
fraudulent medical centers that lure women in to harass them out of
seeking an abortion.1
But like these centers themselves, Google lied.
UltraViolet members and staff just uncovered more of these ads across
four states -- and two million women a month who search "abortion" or
"abortion clinic" are seeing them.2
Google is helping trick women in vulnerable positions who end
up wasting their time and money to be lured into false clinics where
they are harassed, yelled at, and lied to. But public pressure
has led Google to enforce its honest advertising policies before -- we
can make them do it again. Can you sign the petition?
Tell Google: "Keep your word. Take down ads that intentionally lie to women seeking information about abortion."
If a woman clicks through on one of these misleading ads and makes an
appointment, she might think she'll see a real medical provider, and
she won’t know what she’s gotten into until she spends time and
money--perhaps even finding child care--to get to a CPC in person. Once
there, she’ll likely face manipulation, misinformation, and even shame.
Examples include:
Giving misleading and dangerous medical advice. In one case, a CPC lured women in by offering a free ultrasound and told them, "You
should realize you may not need an abortion! About 1 in 4 pregnancies
ends naturally, in what is called a miscarriage or spontaneous
abortion," going on to encourage visitors to "come in today to see if you are a candidate for natural pregnancy termination."
Counseling women to stay in an unsafe environment. In another case, a
CPC counselor spoke with a young mother of two who was considering an
abortion because her boyfriend was abusive, and she needed to do what
was best for her children. The counselor argued for her to stay in the abusive relationship, telling her, "for all you know, the baby changes him."
Telling women that abortion causes cancer, sterility, and psychological damage, all of which are blatant lies.3
The problem is that these anti-choice ads look harmless--and are
designed to trick women. Medical fraud centers need to play by the same
advertising rules as everyone else. A woman using the search terms
"abortion clinic" likely is seeking abortion care, which CPCs do not
provide. Women deserve medically accurate, unbiased information, not
lies and deception. UltraViolet members have no tolerance for ads that
seek to deceive women, and neither should Google.
3. The Truth about Crisis Pregnancy Centers, NARAL Pro-Choice America, January 1, 2014 Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
From Daily Kos--Stop Facebook from colluding with irresponsible police
on August 1, Baltimore County police killed Korryn Gaines and injured
her 5-year-old son. Korryn was broadcasting videos of the police
standoff on her Facebook account, but police requested that Facebook
deactivate her account -- and Facebook complied, with no warrant or
court injunction.
This sets a dangerous precedent. And it sends loud echoes of when
Facebook temporarily removed Diamond Reynolds' live video of Philando
Castile's murder in July.
Facebook's videos are powerful tools to document police brutality and
misconduct. The public outcry against police misconduct has been
greatly bolstered by civilian videos. We need all the tools we can to
end the epidemic of police violence against Black people and other
people of color.
Without video, the police accounts of these encounters stand unchallenged.
Facebook is not an arm of the police, and it should not enable the
police to control public access to publicly shared information. By
shielding police misbehavior and cutting people off from crucial support
networks in the midst of police encounters, Facebook defeats the
purpose of social media.
Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he supports the Movement for Black Lives. Just last month, the company hung a massive #BlackLivesMatter banner on its campus. Words are not enough; actions count.
Facebook needs to show, unequivocally, that it supports people fighting against police abuses.
They need to put the videos back up and strengthen support for
legislation protecting the right to upload videos of police behavior.
From UltraViolet--Fire Bill O'Reilly for sexual harassment
Fox News is unraveling. First, decades-long CEO Roger Ailes was ousted for sexual harassment. Now, host Bill O'Reilly is named in another lawsuit--and by fellow host Andrea Tantaros.3
The details of the lawsuit are nauseating. O'Reilly tried to lure
Tantaros into his home and kept asking her to show him her "wild side."
There's more: Tantaros revealed that the brand new CEO, Bill
Shine, knew that O'Reilly and Ailes harassed her but told her to shut up
about it.
Fox News is once again dealing with a public relations nightmare. We can push them to get rid of O'Reilly and Shine--like we pushed them to fire Ailes--if enough of us speak out.4 Will you add your name?
Tell 21st Century
Fox: Clean up the disgusting culture of sexual abuse at Fox News. Start
by firing Bill O'Reilly and Bill Shine.
Tantaros points out that Ailes did not act alone. She named several
male Fox News contributors in addition to O'Reilly and Ailes and claimed
executives helped cover the abuse up. Every top Fox News executive she
came forward to ignored her complaints--and took her off the air.5
When former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes was slapped with a
lawsuit, 50,000 UltraViolet members spoke out and successfully forced
Fox to get rid of him. Now, with another lawsuit naming Bill
O'Reilly, who hosts the most popular show on Fox News, and new CEO Bill
Shine, who was very carefully chosen to replace Ailes following the
scandal, Fox is once again dragged into the spotlight for endangering
women in the workplace.
A few weeks back, UltraViolet members forced Ailes out of Fox News
when it came to light he has harassed countless women while he was
CEO. Getting rid of Ailes was a crucial step in stopping sexist abuse at
Fox. But sexual harassment at Fox News won't stop until
everyone who participated and covered it up is held accountable--and we
can make sure of that if we all speak out again.
July was the hottest month on record -- marking 15 consecutive months of record-breaking heat. Wildfires and record floods are raging through the United States.
Our planet has a fever -- and instead of coming together to find a
cure, some Republicans refuse to acknowledge climate change is even
happening. Even their standard-bearer, Donald Trump, is a climate change
This is a dangerous election. Trump has
already said he’d “cancel” the historic agreement to combat climate
change made at the Paris COP21 summit. Progress would be nearly
impossible with a Climate-Denier-in-Chief in the White House.
grassroots network is working to raise $10,000 in August to strengthen
our efforts. That only gives us 2 days. Can you give $5, $10, or more to
help us reach that goal?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
I’ve been working to combat climate change for years. I co-authored the
only comprehensive climate legislation to ever pass a chamber of
Congress. I attended the Paris summit where nearly 200 nations worked
out an historic climate plan. I was also one of six international
lawmakers to make the trip to the Vatican to discuss the problem of our
ailing environment on people before Pope Francis issued his historic
encyclical on climate change last year.
This isn’t just an American problem -- this is a global problem that requires a global solution. But the United States can be a leader in the fight to save our planet. We
can invest in new technologies, clean energy, and shape a path forward
for the world to follow. All we lack is the political will.
Marco Rubio continues to oppose legal abortion without exception, even in cases of women infected with the Zika virus. Will you chip in $15 to help defend choice and defeat Sen. Rubio for reelection?
Three weeks ago, Marco Rubio announced that he opposes legal abortion even in cases of women infected with the Zika virus.1
then, the crisis has continued to spiral out of control, with pregnant
women in Florida so terrified, many are refusing to leave their homes
for fear of even a single mosquito bite.2
But Rubio refuses to back off his radical anti-choice position.
is in a neck-and-neck race for reelection, and we're pulling out all
the stops to make sure that Florida voters know how cruel and extreme
his position is on Zika and abortion. Will you chip in $15?
are now over 2,500 Zika infections reported by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, and it is spreading across the country.3
Congress has failed to take action. Why? Because anti-choice ideologues
like Marco Rubio insisted on using the Zika issue to attack Planned
Parenthood, attaching a rider that blocks funding for Planned Parenthood
to the legislation to fund the Zika response.
And now, Marco Rubio is using Zika to double down on support from his radical anti-choice base.
the polls say that Rubio is in danger of losing his seat to Patrick
Murphy, his pro-choice opponent, who is endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice
America. And this is the race that could determine control of the U.S.
Senate. Will you chip in $15 to help defend choice and defeat Marco Rubio?
3. Case Counts in the US, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 24, 2016
As a school nurse, I've seen the anguish on students’ faces as they
realize they’re starting to have an allergic reaction. They’re
terrified, as their tongues swell up, they break out in hives and their
breathing becomes labored.
When this happens, I know I only have seconds to ensure
that the child gets a dose of epinephrine, using an EpiPen. My school
district doesn’t stock EpiPens. So we can only hope parents send their
children to school with this lifesaving device.
You’ve probably read about the spike in EpiPen prices, but you might not have heard this: Hedge fund manager and top Donald Trump donor John Paulson, one of Mylan Pharmaceuticals’ biggest investors, may be profiting from the jump in prices.
In the United States, 3.6 million people have an EpiPen prescription to treat severe allergic reactions.
Paulson has invested $1 billion in Mylan Pharmaceuticals, the company
that owns EpiPen, making him one of its biggest investors. Since
Paulson’s firm began massive investment in Mylan, the price of this crucial drug has spiked—by 32 percent
over the past year and by a whopping 450 percent since 2007. Hedge
funds and private equity are closely linked to spiking drug costs.
According to an analysis by Hedge Clippers, a national campaign exposing
Wall Street’s greed-driven agenda, hedge funds or other private equity
investments were involved in 20 of 25 recent drug-cost spikes.
Most families simply can’t afford to pay $600 for EpiPens.
As a school nurse, it sickens me to see hedge fund profiteering as
families and children lose access to this lifesaving medication.
The price gouging of EpiPens is a matter of life and death for millions
of people, including my students. When a student shows signs of
anaphylaxis, an EpiPen quickly halts the symptoms. But if the drug is no
longer affordable, the only alternative is to call emergency medical
services and hope they arrive in time.
Chemicals in plastic are
rubbing against your food and getting into your body. They're also
suspected of causing a number of reproductive, developmental, and
endocrine health problems.1
Ortho-phthalates are a class of hormone-disrupting chemicals that the government has approved as food additives.2
They're used to soften plastic and make it more pliable, and they often
show up in plastic that touches food -- processing equipment, workers'
gloves, and packaging.
Many people have
ortho-phthalates in their system, but the dangers are especially acute
for pregnant women. That's because high amounts of ortho-phthalates can
result in low childhood IQ, genital defects, and learning disabilities
in infants.3
Congress and the
Consumer Products Safety Commission have already banned several
ortho-phthalates from children's toys. It seems that the government is
well aware of the threats this class of chemicals poses for our health.
“Aetna warned it would drop out of Obamacare exchanges if its merger was blocked”
-The Washington Post, 8/17/16
Friend -
There is simply no denying the positive impact the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had for hardworking American families.
Uninsured rates remain at
historic lows, and millions of Americans are finally able to receive
the care they need because of President Obama and the ACA.
But it the wake of health
insurance giant Aetna’s abrupt departure from most state health care
exchanges this month -- a move that was likely motivated by retaliation
-- we need to talk about how we can better stabilize the market.
Since we launched our petition calling on Congress to oppose any
legislation that would privatize veterans' health care, more than 30,000
people added their name. That number includes
* More than 10,000 veterans
* Hundreds of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
* 13,000 military family members
Now it's important we take that message directly into the offices of your members of Congress.
There are fewer members of Congress who have served in the military than at any point in decades.
So when we see the Koch Brothers putting their extraordinary wealth
towards a campaign to privatize veterans' care just to pad the profits
of large health care companies, we have to act.
As a result of your activism, our political revolution is responsible
for the most progressive Democratic platform in the history of our
country. We were victorious in making it a clear priority of the
Democratic Party to fight for a $15 an hour federal minimum wage, expand
Social Security, abolish the death penalty, put a price on carbon,
enact major criminal justice reforms, end for-profit prisons and
detention facilities, break up too-big-to-fail banks and create a 21st
century Glass-Steagall Act, and so much more.
And just the other day, the Republican leadership in the Senate
announced that the TPP would not be coming to the floor this year.
Another major victory.
All of that is the direct result of the grassroots activism that you,
and millions of others, engaged in over the last 16 months. Now, we must
continue our efforts by electing progressive Democrats up and down the
ballot so that the policies we have fought for can advance and become
For the future of our country, and our progressive agenda, it
is imperative that Democrats regain control of the Senate. My guess is
that will all come down to which party wins three or four hotly
contested races in states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio and
The Koch brothers know this. That is why they are spending tens of
millions of dollars to defeat these four candidates for Senate.
And that's why I'm asking you to support them: Katie McGinty in
Pennsylvania, Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire, Ted Strickland in Ohio,
and Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada. If these four Democrats win the
tight elections they are currently in, the Democrats will almost
certainly take control of the Senate.
And what a world of difference that will make: real campaign finance
reform, raising the minimum wage, making public colleges and
universities tuition free, addressing the planetary crisis of climate
change, progressive taxation, reforming our broken criminal justice
system, comprehensive immigration reform and many other important
Split a contribution to help Katie McGinty, Maggie Hassan, Ted
Strickland, and Catherine Cortez Masto become senators and take back a
progressive majority in the Senate.
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation
will automatically be evenly split between Katie McGinty, Maggie Hassan,
Ted Strickland, and Catherine Cortez Masto:
I want to be clear: It is very important that our movement holds public
officials accountable. The Democratic Party passed an extremely
progressive agenda at the convention. Our job is to make sure that
platform is implemented. That will not happen without Democratic control
of the Senate.
Katie McGinty was one of the first candidates to endorse a $15 minimum wage.
Maggie Hassan, who is a strong supporter of campaign
finance reform, increased transparency and disclosure of political
contributions as Governor of New Hampshire.
Ted Strickland is a fighter for Ohio’s working
families who opposes the TPP and believes that we need to completely
change the way we negotiate trade deals.
Catherine Cortez Masto is committed to protecting the environment and knows it’s long past time that we ensure equal pay for women.
Perhaps the most important reason to win a progressive majority in the
Senate is because we must support nominees for the Supreme Court who
will vote to overturn Citizens United.
It is so important we do everything we can to help these four
candidates – Katie McGinty in Pennsylvania, Maggie Hassan in New
Hampshire, Ted Strickland in Ohio, and Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada –
win their elections in November.
SF 49er Colin Kaepernick sat during the national anthem to protest police killings of Blacks. Republicans are up in arms... but they are not upset about this:
Florida, State Attorney Angela Corey has been defeated in her
re-election bid. Corey had faced widespread criticism for her handling
of several prominent cases, including the ... Read More →
Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald says Democrats have adopted a
"Cold War McCarthyite kind of rhetoric" by accusing many its critics of
having ties to ... Read More →
Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald looks at the foreign policies
of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. "You have President Obama, who
himself has been very ... Read More →
young girl who shot dead her abusive father now may face life in
prison, sparking national outcry over the treatment of domestic violence
survivors. On July 28, 14- ... Read More →
Senators John McCain of Arizona and Marco Rubio of Florida won closely
watched primaries after being challenged by a pair of Republicans who
had embraced ... Read More →
based outside the United States have reportedly infiltrated two state
election databases, raising fresh concerns about cybersecurity in the
lead-up to the ... Read More →
pharmaceutical giant Mylan has announced it will launch a cheaper
generic version of its life-saving allergy shot EpiPen amid public
outcry over its alleged price ... Read More →
California lawmakers voted Monday
to pass a law requiring prison time for those convicted of sexually
assaulting an unconscious victim. This comes after news that California
... Read More →
pharmaceutical giant Mylan has announced it will launch a cheaper
generic version of its life-saving allergy shot EpiPen amid public
outcry over its alleged price ... Read More →
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is slated to testify today at her
impeachment trial—a trial that many are calling a coup by her right-wing
political rivals. Rousseff has ... Read More →
outlets have launched massive investigations into Donald Trump's
business and tax history, as well as probes into the lives and past work
of his current and former ... Read More →
Questions surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation continue to grow. On Sunday, Democratic National Committee interim chairperson Donna Brazile ... Read More →
this month, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders strongly denounced the
impeachment of Brazil's democratically elected president. In a statement
posted on ... Read More →
Olympics have wrapped up in Rio, leaving Brazilians with a massive debt
from the Games and an ongoing financial crisis. For more on the current
situation, we speak ... Read More →
like opium's mild-mannered little sister, with very low overdose
potential, and it helps with opioid withdrawal, but now the hammer is
coming down. READ MORE»
Republican presidential candidate once decried One World Trade Center
as a 'pile of crap' and evidence that terrorists won on 9/11. Now it
stars in his latest ad. READ MORE»
before the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen began more than a year
ago, Yemen was ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world. READ MORE»
Oh, holy phuque--Pence is every bit as ignorant as Trump, no matter how hard he tries to hide behind his arrogance. This is so phuquen' fuSStrating to watch...I can't believe we still have to keep having this conversation over and over and over...! GRRRRR!!!!! Every phuquen' politician in America needs to watch this phuquen video!!!!!
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