Friday, May 27, 2016

Okay, so I have at least one more rant left in me...

Greetings, faithful Dot Calm Readers, Truth Crusaders, and Freedom Fighters!

Apparently, I am still pissed off. So I'm going to have a little rant and then remind you please to help me help you by offering suggestions for Dot Calm's little blog. After that, it's movie time!


I see the Republicans continue gleefully to despoil our nation and our world, and I wonder what it will take to stop them.

I see the Democrats timidly trying plays out of the Republican playbook, wondering how far they'll get before their base throws up its hands and starts another party or starts voting Green.

I see Hillary make every mistake in the book. The fact that the stubby-fingered orange vulgarian is even a contender in the presidential race speaks volumes about the decades of fear, hate, paranoia, and ignorance created on the right by FUX Noise and their ilk. Based on The Dumbald's "qualifications" alone, there shouldn't even be a contest. The presidential race is Hillary's to lose, and it looks like she is trying mightily to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Hopefully, Trump will implode and go a bridge too far for even Republicans to hold their noses and vote for him...but I wouldn't hold my breath. Just because he barely speaks at a first grade level doesn't mean he's as stupid as he sounds. He strikes me as being a skosh more intelligent than Chimpie McCodpiece--which isn't saying much--and even more ignorant, if that's even possible. Heaven help us all if he gets in to the White House.

If Trump wins, the one person he should thank most isn't even Hillary--it's Debbie Wasserman Schultz. In her zeal to cram Hillary down our throats, she stopped Hillary from being completely vetted, and she thwarted Bernie every chance she got.

Those two DNC fiats could cost Democrats the White House and hand it to a man who barely belongs there as a common visitor.

I'm not even sure what Hillary can or should do to pull this election out of the crapper, and I know that she and Obama are way too corporate-friendly to represent the average American, but I think the world will be much worse off if she fails. If nothing else, Clinton would keep part of her foot on the brakes of the oligarchy to slow it down a bit. Trump would put the oligarchy into full throttle overdrive and let it flatten everything in its path. Clinton would work--and work hard--to preserve our civil rights. Trump would let the haters and the evangelicals have their way with us because, if he wins, he will owe them...the cost of doing business, which is always sweeter when, like Trump, you're isolated and protected from the fall-out...unlike those of us who are not white, rich, straight, male Christians.

Apparently, I'm still wrapped around the axle on Republican magical thinking and global warming. I asked rhetorically last time whether Republicans care more about making a buck than preserving life as we know it, but I think we all know the answer: the pro-life party ain't pro-life. They were all about letting the tobacco industry lie to consumers about the health risks of smoking until they were forced to acknowledge the decades of science. They are all about letting Exxon and the Koch brothers lie about global warming and letting the planet go to hell tomorrow if it means padding their pockets today. They're all about letting poor people slowly starve, letting refugees die of want and exposure, and letting women die for wanting to terminate a pregnancy. They're all for proactively killing Blacks in prisons and Muslims at home and abroad. And they have wet dreams at the thought of loaded automatic guns in every (white) hand.

So, yeah, I'm both pissed off and disturbed. I can't believe we as a nation actually let this happen. It's like we all got together and made a pact to put forward the worst both parties had to offer--well, the second worst of the Republicans, DEFEATed being the worst--so that we could chose between Hillary, who would harm us least and definitely not blow up the planet, and a psychopathic narcissist so unpredictable that we have no idea how much worse off we could be after four years of his presidency...assuming we all survive that long to assess the damage.

And that is why we can't have nice things.

No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us.

The only problem?

If Trump gets in, the joke will be on them, too.

Before we discuss the future of this blog, let me remind you to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:

Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
Americans Against the Republican Party
Americans Against the Tea Party

...And, whatever you do,

Please send him a buck o' five. I'd love for him to win California. He still has work to do--please, let's give him a hand.

And now, before I post a few movies, let's talk tofurky about the blog.

Like I said last time, I'd like to know which features you like and use the most so that I'm not spamming you with features you don't need. This would save me time putting the posts together and make the blog friendlier for you, so it's a win-win.

Here's a summary of current features you can pick and choose from--or add your own!
  • Dot Calm's shadow's original material, including essays, commentary, and star banners
  • Links to news and infotainment you can use
  • Mailbag (details on current issues via petitions and articles, including public service announcements like articles on the ransomware tech support scam--or maybe you'd rather have a public service announcement section that comes or goes as events dictate)
  • Democracy Now! highlights
  • Daily Kos highlights
  • AlterNet highlights
  • Movie time
  • Memes
  • Satire, like Crime Shows for Creationists
  • Monday-Wednesday-Friday format
  • what, what, what, McHale...what?!
Vote early, vote often, vote now!
Here's how: since Blogger refuses to enable comments on this blog (grrr!), we'll have to do it the old fashioned e-mail. Get out your secret decoder pins, boys 'n' girls...decode the super secret e-mail address coming right up, and send your comments to dotcalmspageNOSPAM AT gmailNOSPAM dot com. SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM...lovely spam, wonderful spam!

I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great weekend...and some dark chocolate and a Fireball whiskey on me!
- Dot Calm's shadow
Why does Ted Nugent wear a landing strip
just below his mouth?
-- Dot Calm's shadow


Atheist Minority. I love this girl and her message.

Trump wants to dismantle the feeble protections we only barely have against Wall Street?!?? That is some seriously bad juju right there...!

I love Jon Stewart, but I am soooo with Kyle on his assessment of Trump. Kyle's analysis really nails it, folks.

Republicans' idea of Black outreach as presented by DEFEATed's father, RETARDad. I'll bet it's working for them every bit as well as their outreach to women, Latinos, LGBTQ, Muslims, etc. etc. etc... (Gawd, those faces will get between me and my sleep!! I'd rather look at two smiling cobras.)

Yup, some of these are recent reruns, but I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see them for election season.

Cenk adds some comedy value to David Brooks...

Wow, didja make it a-l-l the way down here? Then here is a real treat for you! I promise, it's funny as hell even without the Fireball whiskey I sipped last night while screening for a video to cap todaze post!