Friday, November 06, 2015

Christian Apologetics: Hitler Can't Help You

A Youtuber named NonStampCollector posted a video about Christian apologetics basing their ethics on the Bible, using Hitler as an example.

The argument he presents from the apologists is framed as a series of questions, which I will paraphrase. Does our moral revulsion at Hitler's concentration camps come from objective morality--is it always true that treating people that way is wrong? If Hitler had won, would people today admire him as a hero who did the right thing in gassing millions of Jews--is morality simply a matter of what society thinks? Or would Hitler's genocide against the Jews still be wrong even if no one thought it was wrong? Could we be wrong about moral facts, and would that imply a "moral dimension" that transcends our natural world that is in effect evidence of God?

As NonStamp points out, the argument effectively refutes itself. Watch the video to see why: