Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 6, 2015--Jeff Flake and Orrin Hatch understand the proper role of the U.S. Senate in confirmation of presidential appointments.

Evidently, Richard Burr and Thom Tillis do not.

All are Republican senators, Flake from Arizona, Hatch from Utah and Burr and Tillis from North Carolina.

The issue is the nomination of Loretta Lynch to be attorney general.

The nomination is stalled in the Senate for reasons that have nothing to do with her qualifications.

The North Carolinian's objection to Lynch’s support to continue the Justice Department’s lawsuit, filed under current Attorney General Eric Holder, challenging a 2013 election overhaul passed by the General Assembly.

What's wrong with Burr and Tillis? We can't have an election overhaul...we like it just the way it is.

“I believe states have an obligation to ensure the fairness and accuracy of their elections, unfortunately this hyper partisan Justice Department has challenged voter ID laws for political advantage,” Burr said in a statement.

And he said it with a straight face!

“I wish Ms. Lynch the best in her future endeavors, but she is not the right choice (color?) for attorney general.”

Tillis cited Lynch’s positions on both the voting law and immigration.

Both of which he thinks are just peachy.

“By all indications, Ms. Lynch would continue to pursue the costly and frivolous lawsuit against the state of North Carolina to overturn a commonsense and constitutionally sound voter ID law,” he said.

“Ms. Lynch also made it clear she supports President Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants on a wholesale basis without congressional approval.”

Think about this for a moment.

Burr and Tillis are arguing in essence that the attorney general should repudiate the policies of the president she is sworn to serve.

Two other Republican senators, Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Ted Cruz of Texas, have argued that Lynch has not shown she would be sufficiently independent from Obama.

Oh Lordie...maybe she'll have to open a secret email address.

The attorney general is not supposed to be independent of the president.

Neither are the secretary of state, the secretary of defense or any of the other advisers who constitute the president’s Cabinet.

Are you suggesting we read the Constitution? That ain't gonna happen! 

The role of the Senate is to determine whether Lynch is ethically and intellectually qualified to be attorney general.

By all reports, she is both.

She has widespread support in both parties.

Among those backing her are the New York police commissioner, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association and the president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

But, can she walk on water? Sorry, not good enough!

“She has a world-class legal mind, an unwavering commitment to justice, an unimpeachable character and an extraordinary record of achievement,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, said.

It is up to the courts, not Senate Republicans, to determine whether the North Carolina voting law is unconstitutional.

As for immigration, the president is left with no choice when Congress refuses to act on a pressing national issue.

In this case the fault is not with the Senate, which passed a comprehensive bill only to see it scuttled in the House.

The proper way for Congress to address the issue is by passing a bill, not by holding Homeland Security money hostage or blocking the nomination of an attorney general.

Absent legislative action, the legality of Obama’s action is, again, a question for the courts.

Flake, who supports the nomination, summed up the issue succinctly when he said, “I’ve always felt that it’s my position here to try to determine if somebody is qualified for the position, not whether I agree with every position they take.”

Let's hear it for the Flake.

Hatch made the same point in different words in criticizing those using presidential policies as a reason to oppose the nomination.

“I do not believe that is a proper way to evaluate any nominee’s fitness for any position,” he said.

Are you listening, Richard Burr?

Are you listening, Thom Tillis?