Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Sometimes the truth presents itself in a way that is difficult to refute.

Like a simple Google search?

For all the debate over whether Fox News host Bill O'Reilly has been, like NBC News host Brian Williams, guilty of embellishing stories about his experiences as a reporter, it seemed as though the cable news ratings sensation had been able to infuse enough doubt against those who claimed to have caught him in a lie so as to quell each successive story.

Not anymore, buddy!
Stop making up shit, even if you can see Russia from your kitchen window!

But on Sunday, CNN broadcast a recording that clearly refuted claims O'Reilly made in his 2012 book, Killing Kennedy, and again on air, that he had stood on the doorstep of the home where Lee Harvey Oswald friend George de Mohrenschildt committed suicide in 1977, and had actually heard the fatal shot being fired.

And he was swept away on a magic carpet?

The audio tape of the phone call between O'Reilly and Florida investigator Gaeton Fonzi shows that O'Reilly was not in Florida on the day of de Mohrenschildt's suicide, and only learned of it when Fonzi called him.


During the call, O'Reilly asks Fonzi what time the suicide took place, and whether a gun had been used.

Good questions, O'Reilly, the sign of an ace reporter. By the way, where did you get your degree?

He also adds that he is planning on traveling to Florida the following day.

Hopefully to work on your tan and not to throw anymore of your stink bombs!