Friday, January 30, 2015

For 20 years I’ve said the owner class in America, the financial elite think we workers live too well.

They think we want too much for our children.

They think we want too much decency and comfort.

They think our dreams, goals, expectations of life are too great.

Now I have proof that I’ve been right.


Davos is the place where all the owners and financial elite from all over the world meet annually at the World Economic Forum to pontificate, share their diarrhea of the mouth, and collectively try to figure out how to get more of our money.

Bloomberg News and Paul Krugman just reported that, “Billionaire Jeff Greene, who amassed a multibillion dollar fortune investing in real estate and betting against subprime mortgage securities, says the U.S. faces a jobs crisis that will cause social unrest and radical politics.”

At Davos Jeff Greene said, “America’s lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence…

We need to reinvent our whole system of life.”

There you have it, brothers and sisters.

Your kids and family should live in poverty and degradation so the less than 1 percent can have even more of our wealth and the fruit of our labor.

It’s nice when the assholes actually admit what they think about us.

Certainly they think we are less than them, maybe even subhuman.

The financial elite have every intention of continuing to drive the global economic race to the bottom.

Unlike so many of our politicians and pundits, the financial elite don’t think global poverty is an unfortunate outcome of economic globalization, but a goal.

The poorer you and I are, the better.

We all better wake up.

There is a class war.

It’s been waged on us with increasing vigor for 40 years.

We are getting rolled over.

It’s time to fight back, realize what’s happened and is happening now and get busy protecting the future.

Image source: @CurbedLA