Saturday, November 01, 2014

MoveOn member,

We're down to the final stretch, the ninth inning, the fourth quarter--there's no more time to waste.

From my perch over at Daily Kos, a vibrant, online community of liberal-minded bloggers, I see A LOT of polls. 

I read A LOT of news and analysis. 

And frankly, I've been around long enough to have witnessed A LOT of close elections.

Let me be clear: This isn't a wave election—for either party. It's a 50-50 race and the victor will be the team that works the hardest to win.

That's why when my campaigns team said we needed to join a high-impact get-out-the-vote effort like MoveOn's Voters Rising campaign, I didn't need any convincing—and neither did the thousands of Daily Kos community members who've been calling voters this month.

Now we're down to the final stretch, the ninth inning, the fourth quarter—and every other sports metaphor you can think of. My point: there's no more time to waste. 
If you've been waiting till the last minute—it's here. And I'm asking you not to let it go by without signing up right now to call voters and help save the Senate.

Yes, there have been highs and lows, but this election is a total toss-up. That's why I've been saying for months that any liberal or progressive whose main message to you is that we're "doomed" is off their rocker. 

Not only are they wrong—but they're probably making it less likely that good people like you will sign up to volunteer. Because really, who wants to join a team that's already lost?

Well the good news is that we aren't doomed—and we won't be if we leave everything on the table between now and Election Day.

Democratic candidates in Michigan and Oregon looked vulnerable once upon a time—now they're pulling ahead. Races in South Dakota and Kentucky had looked unwinnable for us—but today they're well within reach.

Our ability to get out the vote will make all the difference this election, plain and simple. 

That's why I'm asking you today to volunteer for the Voters Rising campaign.

Sign up to call the voters who we need to show up on Election Day, and get them to make a pledge to vote for our candidates.

Remember: A Republican takeover of the Senate would be devastating. It would empower Speaker John Boehner and his Tea Party majority to act even crazier, and it would grind President Obama's executive and judicial nominations to a halt.

We can't let this happen!

Keep fighting, 
Markos Moulitsas
Founder and Publisher, Daily Kos