Thursday, September 11, 2014

Can we all agree that every last hypocritical Republican is pro-life and anti-abortion?

Bless their black little hearts.

That's all there is to it!

No exceptions! 

Republicans believe in the sanctity of life! 

Sort of. 

They are very pro-fetus. 


Cuz every sperm is important...from that perfectly chilled glass of fine burgundy and soft romantic music wafting through the dimly lit bedroom...

to that lump of phlegm growing in that unsuspecting uterus to that useless, drug-addled, fried know who you are...

Notice the change in attitude as this drivel goes on?

Well, here's the point...

If these self-righteous prix are so concerned for that adorable, helpless little fetus, how can they have absolutely no regard when that little prick grows hungry and is ready to eat you out of your under-water mortgaged house only to find those bastards have just refused to increase your pitiful TARP allowance forcing you to remain on your garbage-picking diet of crap under glass.

Hey, you fux! 

What happened to your love of the fetus? 

Well, I'm it!...that same fetus...all growed up! 

And, I'm hungry.

Where's the love, you hypocritical, self-righteous pieces of human waste?