Saturday, May 17, 2014

Voting And Its Implications

Okay Gang! It's time we get serious and do something about voting in this country.

Seems these Republican prix have figured all the different ways possible to suppress/capture the vote.


Because there just aren't enough of those varmint to win elections and run the country their way.


The rest of us had better start bringing our lazy asses to the voting booths and casting our votes for DEMOCRACY!

We must show the Koch brothers and their ilk they will have to find another country to take over...this one's taken!

And we are a DEMOCRACY!



And while we're at it, we won't be fighting any more of your crappy wars either.

Think we didn't notice?


While the blood of our sons and daughters was being spilled in Iraq...while we were encouraged to do unspeakable rich, old bastards were stealing that country blind.

Antiquities forever lost. And they had some old shit, too.

Because we have the biggest guns doesn't make us the most trustworthy....Remember that.

The American people were duped.

That doesn't exonerate us by any means,

What it does is lay bare our responsibility on this earth and our failure to play well with others.

Yes, playing well with others has been a miserable failure and we'd do well by respecting others' religions.

We must never again show our disrespect by flushing a Koran down a toilet!

Didn't that embarrass even one American?

Our military needs to be reintroduced to the behavior required by the Geneva Conventions to which America is a signatory..

I'm guessing today's soldier never heard of them.