Monday, June 17, 2013

Are We There Yet?

Definition of plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy.

The secret one world government, also known as the New World Order, is in fact a plutocracy.

Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.

It's not all rich people of course, just those who got together and concluded if they cooperated with one another and told only half-truths about everything, they could in fact create a technocratic utopia.

The early United States, in which only white male landowners could vote, is an example of a plutocracy.

In 2010, Judson Phillips, leader of the Tea Party Nation, suggested abandoning the current system of suffrage and reinstating the landowners-only requirement.

Voter ID laws also tend to encourage a plutocratic system of government by making it difficult for people who do not own automobiles to vote.

Every government currently in operation is at least mildly plutocratic, as it is always difficult for the poorest of the poor, and usually easy for the richest of the rich, to influence political systems.