Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Over the Cliff We Go.

While Republicans and Democrats struggle their way to fiscal responsibility, they need to consider this: Social Security is not in debt and they should not be discussing it when thinking of what they want to cut!

Social Security is solvent for the next TWENTY  years! The problem is that the politicians who have used the account as their personal piggy bank don’t want to repay what they’ve borrowed!

Through the years we’ve watched the Social Security Account used to finance wars. Endless wars.

The United States always has money for war. The fiascoes in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the most recent. We invaded Iraq and decided to hang out in Afghanistan for awhile.

If politicians did their homework instead of trying to destroy each other, they would see that war in both those countries is futile, yet we continue on with no end or goal  in sight.

Americans watched giant chunks of money get deducted from their pay stubs all through their productive years.

Today those workers are retired and collecting Social Security. However, too many workers are idle today and not paying into the Social Security fund.

Politicians need to concentrate on getting these workers back to work. Hey! Mitch, how about releasing some big bux? The infrastructure would be a good place to start.

Social Security is not an entitlement, stop calling it one! It’s our money and it’s time to pay it back! It is an obligation of the U.S. Government to repay.

Stop behaving like deadbeats!