Thursday, April 05, 2012

Calling President Obama a street thug? Really, Rush?

Are they the ones inside or outside the asylum? That’s a hard one to call, isn’t it?

Neal Boortz: "We Got Too Damn Many Urban Thugs, Yo ... We Need More Dead Thugs" In Atlanta.

Oh that Neal...don’t he have a way wid woids?? 

From the June 14, 2012  edition of Cox Radio Syndication's Neal Boortz Show:

Boortz: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous.

Oh, you lucky can you get?

This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that--that is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town--that we really don't give a damn about--those who would screw up our quality of life around here.

Graffiti? In an urban city? Oh, my virgin eyes! Guess poor, ole Neil would  go straight into shock if he ever caught sight of a NYC subway, or bus, or actually, anything that stays still long enough to get some original of charge! Actually, I think New York has cleaned up. We care.

We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our lovely city, advertising: Welcome to Atlanta! Some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban (artists) thugs and their little welcome gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the car jackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure hell of it.

Whoa! Just what kind of city are you guys running anyway?

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are--you need to have a gun. You need to have training.

Yeah! That’s the ticket! More guns!

You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta.

Hmmm, that sounds like a perfectly rational plan to me. What could possibly go wrong??

We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city.

Yeah! More dead thugs!

And let their--let their mommas--let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the wrong crowd." And then lock her ass up!

Whoa! Lock whose ass up? Right when I thought this was going so well!

We need more dead thugs. Yeah! More dead thugs!

Oh, shut up, you freak!