Saturday, February 11, 2012

One of my emails...I'm sharing

i'm sorry, ma, but you are so effin' funny when you're peesed ...!  :}

On 02/11/2012 10:03 AM, DotCalm wrote:

what color burqa would you like?
was that black you said?
wait! this is america, home of the free, right?
that means we can have any color burqa
under the sun, right, santorum? go pound sand!
but, no birth control? oh, okay.
either we'll wear our burqas to bed
or itz vasectomy time, guys. get one!
whenever there is political unrest in a
country, women's rights are the first to go.
oh, and while i'm at it, we want  SINGLE  PAYER
p.s.  how many kids do you have, santorum?
        you moron.