Sunday, December 11, 2011

Childhood Memories

My husband is more than 9 years my senior so we each have different and interesting childhood memories. For instance, when I was a kid all of us played in the “asphalt” playground.
    Kids from neighboring apartment buildings showed up in the fall (around 50 of us) to roller skate.
    Remember I have a brand new pair of roller skates...You have a brand new key? I’ve come to learn there is a more sinister meaning than the obvious...But, I’ll stick with the obvious.
    It was nothing less than nirvana to have skates (with all 8 wheels intact), a skate key, and the right shoes. The only interference came when one unlucky skater was called home for lunch. Drats!
    Isn’t it sad that kids today only know of organized play?
    We used to hire a bike for 50 cents an hour. We’d beg and whine for the 50 cents until one of us got it. Then the lucky kid would share the bike with all her friends and the number of friends grew and grew as the hour passed.
    Today a kid would undoubtedly say: OMG! You didn’t have your own bike? Or skates? How primitive!
    Yet, those are some of my favorite memories.