Friday, July 01, 2011

Accusation that Voter ID Is Racist Demeans Blacks

By Dennis Prager *

I saw "they isn't" the same week the Democrats and others on the left virtually unanimously condemned all Republican attempts in state legislatures to pass legislation requiring voters to show a photo ID. The Democrats labeled it a means of "disenfranchising" blacks. Many Democrats compared it to Jim Crow laws.

"Jim Crow, move over -- the Wisconsin Republicans have taken your place," charged Wisconsin Democratic State Sen. Bob Jauch, referring to his state's new voter ID law.

It is hard to imagine a more demeaning statement about black America than labeling demands that all voters show a photo ID.

This is easily demonstrated. Imagine if some Democratic politician had announced that demanding a photo ID at the voting booth was an attempt to keep Jewish Americans from voting. No one would understand what the person was talking about. But why not? Jews vote almost as lopsidedly Democratic as do blacks. So why weren't Jews included in liberal objections to voter ID laws? me...I know!...I know! Because, you moron, Jews are white! Jeez!
Dennis Prager is a radio show host, contributing columnist for, and author of 4 books including Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual.