Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh, now we plead we're so poor!

We knew it was coming...frankly, we thought they'd wait a respectable amount of time...But, time is money...And while there is still some low-hanging fruit, we'll go wherever we need to go to get it!  We can have it all!...

Those stupid Americans suffer permanent amnesia...Besides, if we work it right, they'll be out pounding the pavement looking for work...any work...Americans are so beaten down they'll do anything to feed their families*...That's more like it! No more proud, independent Americans...Who would change jobs as the spirit moved them...always seeking better positions...with fabulous benefits.

*Or, as Bush would say: put food on their families.

Those days are history. These days America looks like any other third-world country.

Many years ago, on The Phil Donohue Show, they filmed Russian people who were economically, about where we are today. The women demonstrated how they stuffed newspaper in the soles of their shoes to protect their feet against the frigid, snowy winter days.

Hey, hold the phone! Just where are we gonna get money?

The coffers are empty...we need money for social programs...or, they're gonna have to completely cut or dramatically scale back our benefits!...We're broke...really, no money for social programs...we may even have to cut social know how the pubs have been unashamedly drooling over that little cache of money...This should sink it...once and f'all!...

We'll make every last one of 'em (downtrodden Democrats) sing for their supper....literally sing! Those proud and righteous Americans! Those war-mongers! Let 'em eat cake! if they can find any!..or bread...maybe they will find some in the day-old bin...that sad little bin of day-old, stale, and what nobody else wanted...bin. That's good enough for those broke and broken Americans! They've been living high on the hog long enough!