Friday, January 07, 2011

This Is Going to Suck

By William Rivers Pitt

Fri., Jan, 7, 2011...Truthout: "The American people were treated on Thursday to a (mostly) full and complete reading of the Constitution of the United States from the floor of the House of Representatives. The performance was proposed and organized by the new Republican majority in that chamber for the purpose – according to them, anyway – of announcing that America is about to start going back to being America again.

There's an irony in this, insofar as they chose to skip the constitutional parts about African–Americans not really being people. That portion of the document is a vital part of our shared history, so yeah, leave it to the GOP to snip, redact and edit our founding document, even if it's just in a bit of political theater."

Editor's two cents...
Snip a little...chop a little...snip...snip...chop...chop...You go Republicans! You go!

And here’s a silly question...Why didn’t they learn about the Constitution in school? We had to memorize the Preamble in sixth grade!