Friday, October 01, 2010

Meg Whitman...another hypocrite Republican politician

Do as I say, not as i do. Immigration laws are for the little people.

Soon after her strong political views regarding illegal immigrants we hear from her very own illegal immigrant housekeepper.

Yeah. She'll make an excellent Governor of California...NOT! 

California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman now faces a political firestorm after her former housekeeper alleged Wednesday morning that she had been mistreated during her nine years as Whitman's employee.

Nicky Diaz Santillan, the reportedly undocumented housekeeper, enlisted the services of attorney Gloria Allred to hold a press conference describing "how she suffered as a long-time Latina household employee in Meg Whitman's home."

"You don't know me and I don't know you!" said the billionaire charmer, attempting to absolve herself from wrongdoing.