Monday, August 09, 2010

Need to Get Rid of Pesky Wildlife or Marine Life?

No problem. Corexit!

Samples Confirm Corexit Ingredients In Gulf Spill Area Far Above Toxic Concentrations

By Tyler Durden 

July 8, 2010 –- Yet another data point on why the Obama administration and BP are both so concerned about media access to spill areas comes courtesy of this youtube video by jamescfox.

In his own words: "Oil and water samples were taken from both the Shores of Grand Isle and from 20 miles out. The preliminary analysis was done at an academic analytical chemistry laboratory. The laboratory was looking for the likely pollutants from the deep water Horizon Oil spill. It was focused on the detection of benzene and propylene glycol. Benzene and other highly toxic contaminants were very low however the concentration of propylene glycol was between 360 and 440 parts per million. Just 25 parts per million is know to kill most fish and propylene glycol is just one of many ingredients found in Corexit. In short, the Gulf is being poisoned by BP's usage of the dispersants even after the EPA asked them to stop back in May. We are willing to provide ANY respected/known laboratory these samples or provide them with more. This is very serious to all people and marine life in and around the Gulf."

Our very own Chernobyl. Thanks BP.