Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Path to 9/11

By now, everyone has seen or heard of the ABC “mock-u-drama.”

This two-day attempt to change the opinion of Americans by interpreting the events of that terrible day included a one-two punch to drive the “facts” home. First, the president appears during intermission on the airing of the second day and delivers a speech nationwide. Then, Scholastic attempts to offer material to high school aged children to further drive home this interpretation.

That is what the neo-fascists planned. It is not what happened.

First, knowledgeable Americans urged parents to boycott Scholastic, an education publishing powerhouse. Many of us Americans voiced opinions by calling ABC, thereby further pressuring Scholastic to pull out of this impending train wreck.

Scholastic should never have allowed themselves to get mixed up in the despicable business of distorting history in the first place. Furthermore, Scholastic should have refrained from using the fifth anniversary of this tragedy to get involved in the business of exploiting people’s grief.*

As for me, Dot Calm, soft music wafted through the rooms and tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of the survivors, especially the children, and prayed for worldwide peace and understanding.

* Why get our bloomers in a wad? The Washington Redskins played opposite the second night of the mockudrama, clearly placing the importance of this rot in proper perspective.